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A Mama Cat and her Kittens were dumped outside of a local business in the early hours of Wednesday morning. The human who ditched them didn't even bother to put them in a crate together, so Mom would be safe. In the video, you can see Mom go check on the box of her kittens and then desperately try to get back in the car with her owner 💔 The kittens sat outside in the box for 5 hours before the business opened, and the owner found them. During those 5 hours 5 different people stopped and looked at them (even taking photos), but no one helped them. The business was closed that day and it by luck that the owner stopped by and found them. If not, that would have died. Mams was gone and we have an extreme heat warning in San Bernardino. We are ENRAGED because the Mama was so confused that she ran off. We have been canvassing the area, and the business owner has been checking their cameras, but she hasn't been spotted 💔 People think that cats can survive on the streets alone, BUT they can't! Feral cats have better odds, but friendly domestic cats will slowly starve, get hit by a car, harmed by humans, or taken by predators. The lack of compassion this person showed is disgusting. We can usually find the good in people, but we just can't with this one. We need bottle feeders desperately. We have too many rescues with us to be able to be caring for them round the clock. One of our amazing friends is stepping up right now, but we desperately need to find another bottle baby foster. If you're available to foster, please fill out a foster application by visiting the link in our bio @catsofsanbernardino We will have full intros and names coming shortly. Stay tunes for updates.
Hope Update! Baby Hope was in really rough shape when we rescued her. She was starving, dehydrated, had a low body temperature, and was sick. We didn't think she would make it through the first night, but she did ❤️ We started the first evening with getting her warmed up in the incubator, we then administered sub q fluids to combat her dehydration, and tube fed her because she didn't want to latch to the bottle. The next day, we cleaned up her eyes, and she went into the vet. At the vet, she was prescribed oral antibiotics and eye drops. 2 days after her rescue, she latched to her bottle for the first time! Overall, Hope is doing extremely well. She's growing, her eyes are better, and she's getting more energy. She is not in the clear yet. **Thank you to everyone who donated towards little Hopes medical bills and care. Also, special thank you to all of our monthly donors and Subscribers, without all of you, none of this would be possible. We love you 💓 Stay tuned for updates.
New Rescue Alert! When we went out to rescue the kittens yesterday, their injured Mom ran away. It looks like she may have been attacked. She has an injury to the side of her face/eye. We dont believe she could care for kittens anymore, and thats why they passed away. We asked the homeowner to let us know when he spotted her again so we could come back and trap her. Luckily, the kind man who alerted us the kittens did spot her, and he was able to trap her in a carrier 🤗 Mama will be at our vet tomorrow for a full health check. P.S this is the same colony where we have done a ton of TNR. We also rescue 2 litters of kittens (The Mario Bros and Nintendo Babies along with Bowser). Mama had only brought her kittens their the night before we went out to rescue. We believe she knew it was safe and wanted to get them and herself some help. We have named her Amy Rose. Stay tuned for updates. Baby Hope was at the vet today. Full update coming for her shortly. Thank you to everyone who has donated to Amy Rose and Hopes medical bills and care. Without your their rescues wouldn't have been possible.