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A Mama Cat and her Kittens were dumped outside of a local business in the early hours of Wednesday morning. The human who ditched them didn't even bother to put them in a crate together, so Mom would be safe. In the video, you can see Mom go check on the box of her kittens and then desperately try to get back in the car with her owner 💔 The kittens sat outside in the box for 5 hours before the business opened, and the owner found them. During those 5 hours 5 different people stopped and looked at them (even taking photos), but no one helped them. The business was closed that day and it by luck that the owner stopped by and found them. If not, that would have died. Mams was gone and we have an extreme heat warning in San Bernardino. We are ENRAGED because the Mama was so confused that she ran off. We have been canvassing the area, and the business owner has been checking their cameras, but she hasn't been spotted 💔 People think that cats can survive on the streets alone, BUT they can't! Feral cats have better odds, but friendly domestic cats will slowly starve, get hit by a car, harmed by humans, or taken by predators. The lack of compassion this person showed is disgusting. We can usually find the good in people, but we just can't with this one. We need bottle feeders desperately. We have too many rescues with us to be able to be caring for them round the clock. One of our amazing friends is stepping up right now, but we desperately need to find another bottle baby foster. If you're available to foster, please fill out a foster application by visiting the link in our bio @catsofsanbernardino We will have full intros and names coming shortly. Stay tunes for updates.
Aegis Update! Our beautiful boy is putting on weight and learning to trust and love. His mouth is bothering him, which is to be expected. He is heading back to the vet on Friday to check the area where the mass was removed and hopefully get his dental scheduled. His hair is growing back slowly, although a little patchy 😅 We will have an update after his appointment on Friday ❤️
New Rescue Alert! Part two of our kitten rescue from the run-down garage. We ended up getting three kittens on this attempt. We were able to crawl all the way through to the back of the garage and hand trap 2 kittens 😰 It was a hot and dusty mess, but we got them 💪 The third kitten ran out of the garage, and the finder was able to pick her up and hand her over to Ivy, who got her into one of our box carriers. All three of these little cuties were healthy and went to our foster @colton They were at our adoption event last weekend, and all three of them got preadopted already 🤗 Mom is getting fixed this Friday for TNR. #kittens #kittenrescue #cat
New Rescue Alert! A few weeks ago, we got a call about some kittens living inside/outside of someone's garage. We went out to try and rescue them, and it was a mission 😅 We had to crawl in and around a bunch of debris to get them. It took us multiple attempts to catch them. This is part one of their rescue. The baby in the video was out in the back of the garage. We plugged up the hole that entered the garage and approached him. He hid within the fence that connects to the house they live at to the neighbour's. I was able to see him by standing on the ledge of the fence and spook him to run towards us. It works, and we got him! Part 2 is coming soon. The babies from this property will be at our adoption event tomorrow 🤗 If you're interested in adopting, please come by and see us! Adoption Event info below: Location: Escape Craft Brewery Address: 440 Oriental Ave Redlands, CA 92374 Time: 12pm-4pm Date: Sunday, May 12th Please consider becoming a monthly donor so that we can continue to save more lives ❤️ We cannot do this without your support.
We were at the vet today when we over heard that a kitty was going to be euthanized. We found out that the kitty had a bad eye like Princess Little Biscuit, but the family wasn't able to pay for the surgery. We don't want any hate towards this wonderful couple who brought him in. We got to talking with them, and they have been fixing and saving kitties in their neighborhood after someone moved and left many cats behind. They have been doing their best to care for the cats but didn't have the ability to pay for such an expensive surgery. They are doing a lot more for community cats than most people. We asked if they would be willing to surrender him to us, and their relief was palpable. We have named him Stray after the video game. He is an amazingly sweet little dude and will be having his enucleation surgery next week. Please consider donating towards surgery bills and care. We have a lot on our plate right now, but when we heard about his situation, we couldn't turn a blind eye. Thank you to our friend Kristi and her Mom for stepping up to foster Stray ❤️
This has been one of the hardest and most heartbreaking rescues we have ever faced. We have been rescuing cats from the homeless encampment under the freeway for the past week. On the day shown in this video, we rescued 7 cats. We have been working around the clock to rescue as many of the cats as we can and get them immediate Veterinary Care. We have more rescuesfrom the tunnel to come. If you are interested in providing a safe and happy ending to one of these babies, please visit the link in our bio for our adoption application. **Please consider becoming a monthly donor so that we can continue to save the lives of the voiceless cats in San Bernardino**
We got called about a litter of sick kittens with an injured mom. We went out and found 3 babies that had passed away and one baby that was already cold to the touch. We searched the entire property but only found the one kitten alive 💔 He isn't doing very well. He looks like his eyes may be ruptured, his body temp was low, and he's extremely underweight. We don't know if he will survive, but we will do everything in our power to save him. We are leaving a trap with the homeowner to try and get mom. Rescue is really hard and heartbreaking sometimes. Stay tuned for updates. #cat #kittenrescue
Odin Update! Our little guy went to our vet and got a few updates. His legs are congenital (he was born with them twisted). He most likely isn't in any current pain. We thought he could be because he was crying like he was. We confirmed with the finders that he had cried the entire he was with them, too. He proceeded to cry the entire time he was at the vet and even tried and bite them and chew up our vets sweater. He was prescribed gabapentin to deal with any pain/anxiety he might be going through. The medication definitely helped, but he was still crying more than any other cat we have ever rescued. I started to get the feeling he might just be frustrated by not being able to move around and do the things he wanted to do. Like climb or jump. He had to be isolated while he his vaccines took effect, but I thought he might benefit from meeting another kitten once it was safe (all of his siblings had died 💔). Today was the day he got to meet Dewalt (aka Little). It was the first time he wasn't crying, and he started watching Dewalt and learned how to play 😭 Odin will be going to a specialist to assess what his future will look like and if pain might become a problem as he grows and puts on weight. More updates to come, but he's doing great! Please consider becoming a monthly donor so that we can continue to save cats like Odin.
Officially Meet Frankie! This sweet boy is doing amazing. His upper respiratory infection is clearing up, and he is starting to grow. His foster Mama has been doing an amazing job with him. He is still little, so he needs to grow big enough for his neuter surgery, but if you're interested in pre-adopting him, please fill out an adoption application by visiting our website catsofsanbernardino.org
Tommy Burger is looking for her forever family. This sweet girl was found sleeping in a drive-thru burger joint. We thought the poor girl was most likely injured and feral, but when we stopped to check on her, she ran straight to us 😍 She is EXTREMELY sweet and loving. She does amazing with other kitties and would make the perfect addition to any family. If you're interested in adopting Tommy, please fill out an adoption application by visiting the link in our bio @catsofsanbernardino
The adoption event this weekend was a success! Five of our rescues got preadopted and will be going home soon 🤗 We had so many people come out and support. We want to thank all of our new adopters and everyone who came out to say hi! We couldn't do this without all your love and support! It's a crazy kitten season this year. We will be trying to host more adoption events in the coming weeks. We hope to see yall there 🤗 Thank you Escape Craft Brewery for hosting us! You guys are the best!
Princess Little Grayvey is officially home with us ❤️ She is tiny! She is a whole 1.1 pound 🤯 It looks like her eye is farther along in the healing process than Little Biscuits. It won't be uncomfortable for much longer, but she will have to wait a bit longer for surgery. She is malnourished and underweight. We have to focus on getting her big and strong for her surgery. I can't wait for these two little nuggets to meet each other (have to wait for Grayvey to go through he isolation period first). We want to say thank you to everyone who donated towards her surgery and care. WE LOVE YOU! Without you, rescues like PLG's wouldn't be possible. If you are not a monthly donor, please please consider becoming one by visiting the link in our bio. Your contributions will help us save more kittens like Princess Little Grayvy! #cats #kittensrescue #kitten
Upcoming Rescue Alert! Officer Kevin, who saved kitty Kevin from the side of the freeway, was called to the scene of a homeless encampment underneath the freeway. What he found there was heartbreaking 💔 Among the human inhabitants is a colony of cats and a few dogs. CalTrans (California Department of Transportation) has given notice that everyone, including the cats and dogs, have to be out by May 30th. We will be going out with Officer Kevin to assess the scene on Monday. We are going to need your help. If you are available to foster or adopt, please fill out an application!! The link is in our bio @catsofsanbernardino We estimate that there are at least 12 cats and 2 dogs. All these babies will need vetting including spay/neuter surgeries, vaccinations, parasite control, deworming, and microchipping. Please consider donating to their vet bills and care ❤️ We know not everyone is in the position to foster or donate, but please share to get these poor babies in front of more eyes. We will be going live on Monday. If you're available, please join in and see what we will be dealing with.
Hope Update! Baby Hope was in really rough shape when we rescued her. She was starving, dehydrated, had a low body temperature, and was sick. We didn't think she would make it through the first night, but she did ❤️ We started the first evening with getting her warmed up in the incubator, we then administered sub q fluids to combat her dehydration, and tube fed her because she didn't want to latch to the bottle. The next day, we cleaned up her eyes, and she went into the vet. At the vet, she was prescribed oral antibiotics and eye drops. 2 days after her rescue, she latched to her bottle for the first time! Overall, Hope is doing extremely well. She's growing, her eyes are better, and she's getting more energy. She is not in the clear yet. **Thank you to everyone who donated towards little Hopes medical bills and care. Also, special thank you to all of our monthly donors and Subscribers, without all of you, none of this would be possible. We love you 💓 Stay tuned for updates.
Tunnel Rescue Part 5! On our second day out rescuing under the freeway, we were alerted to a Mama cat in labor. This is the rescue of Hana Highway and her baby, the 1 from previous posts. We learned that she had started giving birth at 6 am and, after 3 hours, had only given birth to one kitten. We opted to take the little family with us right away, and we are so glad that we did. Once settled in at home, we gave them some space, but we noticed Mom didn't seem like she was in labor at all, and she wasn't feeding her kitten. I got a closer look at Hana and found a hard mass on the side of her face. We rushed her straight to our vet and got some diagnostics done. It was found that Hana was suffering from a raging infection. We got her some x-rays to ensure she didn't have any babies stuck or labor complications (she didn't). We took a cytology of the mass and are still waiting on the results. Today, she went in for surgery. She's going to be staying the night again tonight at the hospital, and we will have an update tomorrow. Baby The 1 is being cared for by us. He latched on the first attempt at the bottle but then didn't after that. We have had to tube feed him. He started out at 95 grams, and now we have him at 108. He is pooping and active. We are hopeful he will be okay with us until Mom is healthy enough to care for him. Who needs sleep anyway 🥱 Wish us all luck! Thank you to everyone who has donated towards the tunnel cats. Without you, their rescues and medical care would not have been possible. Many many more intros and updates coming up. #kitten #cat
The tunnel rescue has been extremely hard.. it has really taken an emotional toll on us. It's been a rollercoaster of emotions. We haven't been able to eat today after hearing the sad news at the specialist, and haven't stopped crying. We've been doing research on double amputee cats with same side leg loss. Some have done well and learned to walk again. Million Dollar has a spark in his eyes and a zest for life we feel like he can do it. We are moving forward with the double amputation and aren't sure how it'll play out. What we are sure of though, is that we love Mr Million and will be with him at every step of the way. We are lucky to have a vet to be on board and fight the good fight with us. If you have nothing nice to say, please move along. We do not need your negative energy during these hard times.
Handsome Mac is available for adoption 😍 He's getting his neuter surgery tomorrow and then will be ready to go to his forever family. He's a super sweet little guy who loves to play and snuggle. If you're interested in adopting Mac, please fill out an adoption application by visiting the link in our bio @catsofsanbernardino
Mr Million Update! Milli is the beautiful boy we rescued from the tunnel under the freeway with 2 broken legs. Our vet knew she wouldn't be able to repair his legs and recommended we go to a specialist. At the specialist, they said they wouldn't be able to help and recommended euthanasia 💔 It was their opinion that both legs needed to be amputated, and he would never be able to walk. We were heartbroken because we didn't want him to suffer, but he also had so much life left in him. We took a day to hang out with Milli and do some research. We reached back out to our vet and said we wanted to try with Milli. Whether he could heal or learn to walk again with only 2 legs on the same side, we wanted to give him a shot. Our vet was completely on board and started messaging other vets with his xrays, trying to get even more opinions. This whole time, Milli was also fighting a really nasty infection from the dog bites. He had to change medications and get cleaned up at a few different veterinary appointments. In the end, we were told to keep confined to a small area to limit his movement as much as possible and see if the bones showed any improvement in a few weeks. During that time, Milli had been getting stronger and putting weight on his legs even though we told him not to 😅 When we first rescued him, he couldn't even take a step without falling. Now, he's able to put weight on his legs and walk around (although wobbly) ❤️ He went back to the vet yesterday for more x-rays. We aren't sure if we will be able to keep both legs as the x-rays still show his rear leg pretty shattered. We are rechecking x-rays again in 4 weeks and feel really optimistic. We are so proud of yoy Mr. Million ❤️ Stay tuned for more updates.
New Rescue Alert! When we went out to rescue the kittens yesterday, their injured Mom ran away. It looks like she may have been attacked. She has an injury to the side of her face/eye. We dont believe she could care for kittens anymore, and thats why they passed away. We asked the homeowner to let us know when he spotted her again so we could come back and trap her. Luckily, the kind man who alerted us the kittens did spot her, and he was able to trap her in a carrier 🤗 Mama will be at our vet tomorrow for a full health check. P.S this is the same colony where we have done a ton of TNR. We also rescue 2 litters of kittens (The Mario Bros and Nintendo Babies along with Bowser). Mama had only brought her kittens their the night before we went out to rescue. We believe she knew it was safe and wanted to get them and herself some help. We have named her Amy Rose. Stay tuned for updates. Baby Hope was at the vet today. Full update coming for her shortly. Thank you to everyone who has donated to Amy Rose and Hopes medical bills and care. Without your their rescues wouldn't have been possible.
New Rescue Alert! We were alerted to 3 kittens living in trash and human excrement while we were rescuing from the tunnels. These kittens were about 100 feet from the opening of the tunnel and the freeway. It was a bit of an awkward rescue as a fence was separating three different properties, and we had to go up and around the fencing. We were able to get two kittens and were in a bit of a panic trying to find the third. We ended up hanging off the fence and speaking to the people in the motel property who let us know the third kitten was safe. We believe the finder decided to keep the one baby. The finder didn't want to come out and talk to us. Many of the people who are living in these places are scared and have so much taken away from them already that they dont trust anyone. We are just glad he's safe and we weren't leaving him alone out there. We did find a dead adult kitty, which we believe was Mom 💔 When animal control came out with us to the tunnel the following day, they picked her up. They tested negative for panleukopenia at the vet and overall seem to be doing well. We will have pictures and official intros to come soon ❤️
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