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So, Lorelai is one of my morally grey peeps. Lore wise, she's one of the strongest human characters (don't mind the ears, she still counts as a human in my world), she's the youngest magic user to have the title of a Mage (that being said she is a few centuries old). if you're wondering how she lost her eye, her mother gauged it out and crushed it during their fight. She's got serious mommy issues and she's currently just trying to live her best life with her wife and children but people keep trying to get her involved in issues lmao. her character is supposed to explore moral in general and if a person is capable of doing great good, are they obliged to even if it comes at a cost of their own wellbeing. that's all I'll say for now hahahah #art #artist #digitalart #digitalartist #itskensho #oc #originalcharacter #echoesoffate
My best marketing scheme is to get pretty characters to advertise for me lmao I like to think Kaveh is just supporting a fellow artist and he roped Alhaithem into it hahahahahhaha #art #digitalart #itskensho #digitalartist #artist #artcommission #commissions
I haven't even played up to that part of the game yet lmao but peeps in my live wanted Boothill so here we are. I had to listen to this song a few times to channel the energy into the drawing🤣🙏 It was an impulsive decision so I probably won't finish it my brain isn't wired for creative tiktok formats rn so this is what you get soz. #art #artist #digitalart #digitalartist #itskensho #fanart #hsr #boothill #HonkaiStarRail
ignore the shaking, its hard tk record with one hand hahahah ahhhhhhhh I wanna drawwwwwwww morrrreeeee reeeeee 😭🙏 #artist #digitalartist #itskensho #digitalart #art #fanart #GenshinImpact #genshin #fanart #tighnari
TWO YEARS IN 10 SECONDS REEEEEE I've been feeling a bit out of it with my drawing so I'm just making myself feel better by looking at my progress and BOI DOES IT WORK HAHAHAHAHAHAHA ALSO 😭🙏IM OUT OF PRACTICE IN MAKING TIKTOKS I CANT FIND ANY FITTING AUDIOS AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Anyways, made it short and snappy for y'all with attention issues (y'all is me lmao) IGNORE THE INCONSISTENT STYLE I CANNOT DECIDE WHAT I WANT MY ART TO LOOK LIKE I WANT EVERYTHING AT ONCE #fanart #genshin #GenshinImpact #art #digitalart #itskensho #digitalartist #artist
Replying to @istepuer FAKE EVERYTHING OMG MASA IS GONNA GIVE ME ANOTHER VIOLATION ISTG SO Mizuki is such a funny character to me cuz she just exists in a different world lmao, like her experience of life is fundamentally different to everyone elses. when she was born she knew all the key points in her life so living to her is basically just experiencing what is known to her. it's a lil funny but a lil sad cuz since she only knows key points she kinda just inserts herself in her future loved ones lives cuz to her they are already her loved ones but to them she's a stranger. this fact doesn't bother Mizuki herself, she's very content with the life she will live and can't wait to live through it. I need to stress that she isn't human so if you're trying to rationalise her experience through a human context it won't work hahahaha she's just built different. So onto Eve, she was just an unfortunate child that crossed pathes with the wrong person purely by chance. Eve and her brother were both taken by Rel's mum to be test subjects in the research of the human existence. Her brother died, she survived but is kinda stuck mentally at the age she is. She was rescued by Rel who was searching for her mother. After Rel dealt with her mother, she spent a significant amount of time trying to undo her mother's damage but was ultimately unsuccessful. Sometime in between her research, Rel found some peace in her life looking after Eve. and then one day, a tall deer lady somehow finds her home and is bringing her flowers and other plants and doesn't seem to grasp Rel's hostility at all. Then there's a period of time where Rel is super suspicious of Mizuki until eventually she just accepts her fate and realises that Mizuki makes Eve happy and also makes her happy as well. Sumi and 2 mutated ravens join the picture a lil after Rel settles with Mizuki as a part of her life so now our cottage core witch is a mother of 4 and a wife. Oh and Sumi is also technically older than all of them but he's been stuck between the physical and spiritual plains and like Eve is also stuck in a child like mentality. He's got alot of trauma, he actually died but the experiments and damage on his soul altered the nature of his existence. Rels early life is pretty heavy in angst and suffering but then after dealing with her mother, it's alot of goofy crack content I'm not gonna lie hahahahahah but also some very important plot points. Like Rel plays a big part in uncovering the nature of human existence in my story. OK that's alot to take in but trust me the angst and suffering is spanning over a couple hundred years so it's not that much technically relatively. and if you're looking for someone to blame, it's Masaru's fault. Most of the conflicts and issues can be traced back to Masa😭🙏 #echoesoffate #originalcharacter #oc #itskensho #digitalartist #digitalart #artist #art
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