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Just me tweakin before 8am because i couodnt find where this light was coming from. Have a day 😊 #goodmorning #shadow #light
Are you listening to the information provided in the video or was my mispronunciation of the word Pothos just too much for you to handle? . Some (not all, some) of y’all will literally miss the entire point of a video just so that you can run to the comment section to point out a mistake or imperfection. Why is that? Are y’all ok? ☺️🪴🌈💚 . #plants #pothos #PlantTok #grammar #grammarpolice
My lil variegated pearls got an upgrade today! I repotted both of them in the same kind of self watering planter that my String of tears is in. I’m hoping to repeat the success. 🪴 Soil: (coco coir, bark, horti charcoal, heavy on the perlite, and sand.) 🪴 Water: In this particular planter, maybe once or twice a month. 🪴 Light: Indirect East facing light is ideal. North facing windows are a perfect fit as well. They can be closer to those. 🪴 Food: I only fertilize it while it’s in bloom. Usually early spring and late summer for me. 🪴 That’s all i got for ya 🙂 How are your pearls doing? Well, I hope 😉 Sound off below 👇🏽 I’d love to hear from ya 💚 🪴 Happy Planting . #plants #planttiktok #succulents #linkinbio #repotting
Ill probably need a bigger trellis but for now, this will do. I finally potted my hoya krimson queen! Its my very first hoya (late to the party) . Ive read that they like to be root bound and prefer a snug fit in their planters which is why i layerd some dry sphagnum moss on the bottom. Its topped with orchid bark in case you were wondering. . My soil is coco coir based (my own mix) with a little added perlite for extra drainage. Hoyas have small roots and need plenty of airyness to breathe, hence the extra perlite. . Thats all i got for now 🙂 any questions or tips about hoyas? Drop a comment please and thanks 🪴🌈 #plants #hoya #hoyaaaa #PlantTok
Every plant has a story 💚 Here’s a little background on my ficus Audrey 😊🪴 . In addition to everything stated in the video, this Audrey likes to be watered pretty frequently and thoroughly during the warmer months. Also, be mindful when tending to Audrey’s leaves since they’re textured. You just have to be a little more careful with them than you do with your typical ficus/rubber plant. . Audrey loves East facing locations the best and she loves to be rotated periodically so that all of the leaves get equal amounts of sunshine. . Of all of my ficus, Audrey tends to branch the most! Not sure why that is, but it’s definitely my fastest growing ficus 😊💚 . I have it in a chunkier soil mixture. That base is coco coir and heavy on the orchid bark, with some perlite and varmiculite mixed in. Ficus don’t like to sit in water but they love the moisture so you have to let the soil do the work for you at times, hence the concoction. . That’s all I got for ya ☺️ any questions? Sound off below and Happy Planting! . #plants #ficus #PlantTok #ficusfriday #ficusaudrey #banyantree #storytime
In my opinion, African Violets are rather easy to care for. As long as you’re willing to put in just a tiny bit of work. . Light 💡☀️ Bright indirect lighting works best. Direct lighting will scorch their leaves. Try a North or East facing location for the best results. Be sure to rotate violet so that the entire plant receives equal lighting. Low light is one of the main reasons Violets stop blooming. Also, try to keep your violet on the warmer side of life. They don’t like the cold at all. . Water 💦 I treat my violet’s like succulents. I let the soil dry out almost completely before BOTTOM WATERING my violets. Bottom watering is ideal because their leaves DO NOT like to be wet at all. They will respond and it won’t be pretty. . Soil 💩 (there was no other emoji) If unsure, it’s always best to find an African Violet specific soil. Traditional houseplant potting mixes are too heavy for their roots. Also, don’t repot your Violet until absolutely necessary. They like a “snug fit” and they actually bloom better when they’re all tucked in their planties. Also, terracotta is probably your best bet. . Last lil tidbits✍🏽——Clip those blooms to the surface of the soil when they fade. You can also clip a bottom leaf or two every other bloom cycle so that your violet doesn’t overcrowd the pot. Fertilize about every two weeks during the growing season. . Happy Planting 🪴💚🌈 #plants #PlantTok #africanviolet #linkinbio
Plant Lighting: West Facing - Sunset and Sun…Hot? 🌞🪟🌞 🪴 Understanding exactly where to place your house plants can be a little tricky. Most people assume that all plants just need any kind of light so they’ll try to place their new plant as close to a window as possible. But, not all windows are the same. More specifically, every single one of your windows, depending on its location in your home, receives a completely different kind of light. 🪴 Today, we’re talking about West facing windows. These windows mostly receive medium indirect light for the entire day until it’s time for sunset. Seems pretty chill BUT when it’s Summer time, those windows are HOT HOT HOT! 🪴 During the colder months, West facing windows don’t get much direct lighting. They tend to be the shadier window during this time. 🪴 Plants that do well in West facing windows include: Aloe, Croton, Tradescantia, Begonia’s, and air plants. 🪴 Got more plant questions? Ask them below and maybe I’ll answer the door tomorrow too 😉 . 💚🌈🪴Happy Planting 😊 . . . . #plants #lighting #tropicalplants #desert #succulents #google #houseplants #PlantTok #west
Plant Lighting: North Facing - the low light window. 🪴 Understanding exactly where to place your house plants can be a little tricky. Most people assume that all plants just need any kind of light so they’ll try to place their new plant as close to a window as possible. But, not all windows are the same. More specifically, every single one of your windows, depending on its location in your home, receives a completely different kind of light. 🪴 Today, we’re talking about North facing windows. These windows usually receive NO DIRECT SUNLIGHT! With that being said, any plant that requires bright direct light is an immediate NO NO. Because this window receives the lowest amount of light, it’s a great window for plants that “thrive in neglect” plants that don’t need much attention. 🪴 During the warmer months, plants can sit directly in the north facing window since there’s no fear of scorching their leaves. However, during the colder months, it’s best to move your more delicate plants away from the window since it will be the coldest due to the lack of sunlight. 🪴 Plants that do well in North facing windows include: snake plants, pothos, zz plants, string of pearls, rubber plants (not variegated), spider plants, and african violets….just to name a few. 🪴 Also, due to the lack of sunlight, North facing windows are NOT an ideal location for anything variegated. 🪴 Tomorrow I’ll be back to talk about East Facing Lighting (my favorite) but for now, leave me alone . 💚🌈🪴Happy Planting 😊 . . . . #plants #lighting #plantlight #zzplant #google #snakeplants #pothos #houseplants #PlantTok
Plant Lighting: East Facing - the Good Morning window. 🪴 Understanding exactly where to place your house plants can be a little tricky. Most people assume that all plants just need any kind of light so they’ll try to place their new plant as close to a window as possible. But, not all windows are the same. More specifically, every single one of your windows, depending on its location in your home, receives a completely different kind of light. 🪴 Today, we’re talking about East facing windows (my favorite). Rooms with East facing windows receive pretty much every kind of light but the main attraction is the soft but bright morning light that is provided. Since this light is softer it’s less likely to scorch any of your plants. Meaning pretty much every plant that you own can sit directly in the window of an East facing room, during the warmer months, with no worries. 🪴 During the colder months, it’s best to move your more delicate plants away from the window since it will be the coldest due to the lack of sun. Unless your plants can tolerate it. If they can, I’d leave them as close to the window as possible. In the winter, since the “days are shorter” the morning sun moves away from the east facing location faster, meaning you’ll get way less bright direct sunlight than usual. 🪴 Plants that do well in East facing windows include: philodendron, monstera (yes I know), fiddle leaf figs, Maranta’s, and calatheas just to name a few… 🪴 Tomorrow I’ll be back to talk about South Facing Lighting but for now, leave me alone . 💚🌈🪴Happy Planting 😊 . . . . #plants #lighting #eastfacing #PlantTok #philodendron #monstera
The evolution of my String of Tears (curio herreianus? Keep reading for name change) absolutely loves the self watering container that she’s potted in. Apparently, she’s not supposed to 🤷🏽‍♂️😅 . Self watering planters are usually more suited for plants that require more humid environments. For instance, Calathea’s and Maranta’s are actually quite fond of these types of planters for that very reason. Succulents usually like drier, less humid environments, and usually thrive the most while in terra cotta. . One of the most common mistakes made by owners of these “string”plants is overwatering. Most succulents like to dry out completely before receiving a nice soaking. Pearls and Tears have tiny little roots and most of their water is stored in their leaves which means overwatering can be easy since it’s takes them a while to fully dry out. This makes root rot a common occurrence unfortunately. . Try watering your strings a little bit at a time instead of fully soaking them when the time comes. They don’t bounce back very well from watering issues unfortunately 🫤 . That’s all I got for ya right now? Got questions? Sound off below 👇🏽 I’d love to hear from ya 💚🪴 . Happy Planting 😁🌈🪴 . Fun Fact! One of ya’ll corrected me before when i referred to my string of tears as a string of pearls. And then you also pointed me in the direction of the scientific name. Just wanted to let you know that YOU WERE ALSO WRONG 😑😂 because just this second I discovered that the actual scientific name for the string of tears is (Curio Citriformis not Curio Herreianus) Herreianus is actually a string of watermelons so hmph 😤😌 there’s that. The only “anus” around here is the rowleyanus (string of pearls) and you 🫵🏽😂💚 I’m not correcting myself in the video tho cuz what’s done is done 🤷🏽‍♂️ . . . . . #plants #succulents #repotting #storytime #showandtell #themoreyouknow #educational
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