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1-year out of my 8-year relationship🤍
audrey brothers
The road to surrender… Letting go of my 8-year relationship did not only mean I was letting go of him, but it also meant that I was letting go of the identity I had created around that relationship. I had to let go of the past and the imagined future that I was envisioning for us. It was one of the hardest and most uncomfortable experiences of my life, but it also was one of the most liberating. Without that ending, I never would have had this new beginning, where I was able to reevaluate my life choices, habits, attachments, beliefs, and everything else that was preventing me from connecting with my own internal happiness. I shifted my perspective to focus on what I was gaining from the experience rather than what was lost. It was in this chapter of my life that I finally learned to surrender to the flow of life and accept things as they are, knowing that each experience was helping me learn something new about myself. So if you’re going through something similar, please know you are not alone. Use this chapter of your life to let go of the expectations you’ve fostered about how life “should” be and allow yourself to embrace life exactly as it is. It is through the act of letting go where you will be able to learn and grow from each experience rather than try to control it. Remember - letting go takes time when you’ve held on for so long, so be patient with yourself knowing that everything will unfold as it needs to, always helping you to become a greater being. If you’re struggling in your journey, head to link on my profile to learn more about my 1:1 coaching program where I will support you in your journey, guiding you as you learn to rediscover yourself. Additionally, I will be hosting a live 3-day masterclass event on Surrendering the Self: A Fusion of Science and Spirituality in June. If you’re interesting in attending the event, comment “LET GO” in the comments and stay tuned for more updates<333 #relationships #relationshiphealing #relationshipbreakups #lettinggo
audrey brothers
A lot can change in a year. After my breakup, I felt broken. I felt lost, confused, isolated, depressed, and completely disconnected from myself and others. I didn't know who I was outside of my relationship as I had spent 8 years of my life building an identity around the relationship. So when the relationship ended, I was left to not only pick up the pieces of a shattered heart, but also those of my identity. I spent the first several months practically bedridden because I was so fatigued from all the heartache and change. But I knew I couldn't remain hiding under my covers for the rest of my life, so I started to embrace the pain instead of run from it. The moment I decided things had to be different, I knew I had to start showing up different because I would never become who I wanted to be by holding on who I used to be. And from that moment on, everything changed. I started to use this chapter of solitude to rediscover myself, not mourn myself. I went on my first solo trip ever, and since then l've gone on 3 more. I've picked up new hobbies. I've taken myself out on solo dates. I've enrolled in courses. I've made new like-minded friends. I've learned to regulate my nervous system. And so much more. Was it easy? No. It was terrifying at first, but the more I leaned into the idea that I am the most important relationship I have in this life, the more I showed up for myself because I recognized that my inner peace and freedom are my responsibility and mine alone. I used to lean on others for external validation and happiness, but through this journey I've learned to find it internally. And when learn to find happiness within yourself, you never feel alone; you feel free. If you're looking for support in your own healing journey, book a free discovery call with me to see if my coaching program is right for now. I help my clients to let go of expired versions of themselves so they can step into who they are meant to be, which allows them to show up more authentically and call in more authentic experiences and relationships. What is personal is universal, and you do not need to navigate your journey alone. Let's work together. I love you! xx, Audrey #relationships #breakups #relationshiphealing
audrey brothers
1-year out of my 8-year relationship🦋
audrey brothers
Breakups are truly a pivotal point in your life as they are an opportunity for a new beginning. When my relationship ended, I spent the first couple of months mourning my life and the life I thought I was going to have. I spent weeks laying in bed, crying, grieving, and trying to process the massive change that took place. Eventually, I recognized that I was causing myself more internal suffering by focusing my attention on the past and the future I had imagined for myself. I realized that if I were ever to move through this heartache, I needed to bring my mind to the present where I could practice acceptance of what is. So I started embracing the chapter I was in, acknowledging that this was a time for me to make real change, and I started showing up for myself in new ways. I learned how to regulate my nervous system and work on moving out of living from a place of fight or flight. I started spending more intentional time alone, traveling by myself, picking up new hobbies, challenging and rewriting my beliefs, and practicing more embodied self-love. I had spent years placing my worth, value, happiness, contentment, and love outside of myself, so I knew that this chapter of solitude was a time for me to let go of these tendencies and start finding validation from within. If you’re going through something similar, know you are not alone. Yes, breakups can be devastating, but they are also a natural experience of life that can teach us about our past habits, cycles, and triggers that need healing. Use this time to release the habit of focusing on external relationships and start focusing on your internal relationship with yourself. ✨If you need guidance or support in your journey, book a free discovery call with me to learn more about my coaching program, where I’ll help you regulate your nervous system, understand your subconscious blockages, and transcend the pain of the past so you can reconnect with your most authentic self. xx, Audrey #Relationships #breakups #relationshiphealing #relationshipbreakup
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