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Chrissy Horton
Pregnant and worried about getting an internal ultrasound? I got you!! I got A LOT comments about the wand used for my internal ultrasounds when sharing what my first pregnancy doctor appointment looked like. Many were scared of it, and rightfully so given how large it looks! (The camera does add 10lbs though😉😂) So I made this video in hopes it can ease any worries you may have about it ❤️❤️ Remember, you are in control. You can deny ANYTHING! I suggest talking to your doctor and have them explain why they feel the procedure is necessary then go from there. Never be afraid to voice your concerns and advocate for yourself ❤️❤️ **Please note, this was just in regards to a pregnancy ultrasound. I have no idea if they go deeper for other examinations.** What have your pregnancy doctor appointments looked like? Did you have this done? #pregnancyjourney #pregnancyultrasound #pregnancyhealth #pregnancy #momtobe2024
Chrissy Horton
How do I keep my house so clean with 5 kids under 8?? Spoiler…I don’t!! 😝 But as we have had more kids we have developed some systems that have helped us maintain our home and get it tidy quickly! Here is our Closing Shift system 1) Immediately after dinner everyone must clear their plates from the table and put them near the sink 2) Part of the older ones responsibilities are rinsing the dishes and loading them in the dishwasher 3) One parent is in charge of baths and getting all the kids ready for bed. This includes pajamas on, making sure the kids cleaned up their rooms, and getting their teeth and hair brushed. While that parent tackles the night routine with the kids the other one tackles the house. 4) We always start by tidying the dining room and living room first since those are the main parts of the house. The mess usually isn’t as bad and is a quick clean up that makes us feel successful immediately. 5) For dishes we always start with the hand washing. Pots and pans etc. That way if we get interrupted or need to stop and come back the only dishes left are those that can easily go in the dishwasher. Once dishwasher is loaded we run it immediately 6) Identify your drop zone. I have realized there is a counter in our kitchen where we will put the most random things. It’s best to do this earlier in the closing shift since it requires the most thought as you try to figure out where each item goes. Whenever my drop off zone is clean I always feel so less overwhelmed! 7) Set up coffee maker for the morning and start a load of laundry 8) As a family we clean up the playroom together before going to bed By no means do we do this every single night. While that is the goal, some nights we are too tired, or the kids aren’t cooperating, or we have sports until 8pm, etc. But having a system like this in place helps us get back on track! Was this helpful? Let me know if you want me to share more of our systems! I would love to hear yours! What do you do to maintain the house with little ones? #bedtimeroutine #sahmlife #momof5 #cleaningroutine #momnightroutine #honestmotherhood #dayinthelife
Chrissy Horton
Experience with postpartum rage as a mom of 6 (well almost 6 🤰) I am not a doctor so I can’t give any medical advice about PPD, PPA or PPR but I can tell you, I have been there and I absolutely PROMISE there is a light coming!! I absolutely PROMISE it gets better. I promise you will bond with your child so deep one day. I promise that while it is so hard, it is going to be a small time in your life compared to the lifetime you will have being a mom. 👩‍🍼 I don’t like to shy away from the real and hard stuff but I also want you to know that motherhood is ABSOLUTELY filled with the rainbows and butterflies stuff too! 💕 Some moms have an incredible postpartum experience. We each have our own journeys so please do not think this is a one size fits all experience ❤️ While some postpartum rage can be induced by environmental factors, such as lack of support, in my experience it wasn’t that. My husband and family gave me so much support. I think that’s why it scared me. I felt I had “nothing to be upset about.” So for me to get like The Hulk out of nowhere really worried me. It was an incredible relief once I found out it wasn’t just me. I shared my research with my husband and this began our journey on BOTH of us understanding more about the 4th trimester which in turn made us more compassionate and understanding towards one another during the harder days. I will say the more kids I have the easier it has gotten for me. By baby # 4 we got use to the baby, toddler stage and had systems in place that kept a rhythm in our house. I also had a much better idea of what to expect and was able to adjust faster. Did you experience postpartum rage? Was it comforting to find out you weren’t alone? #postpartumrecovery #momtobe2024 #postpartumhealth #4thtrimester
Chrissy Horton
Instead of a fancy dinner for Valentine's Day we found out if our baby will be a boy or a girl 💙🎀🥹 My 20 week full anatomy ultrasound just happened to be scheduled on Valentine's Day! ❤️ I can't get over how this was the most memorable Valentines vet After 4 boys 💙 and 1 girl 🎀 what will Horton Baby # 6 be???!!! #genderreveal #genderrevealideas #pregnancyjourney #momtobe
Chrissy Horton
I am pregnant with my 6th kid in 8 years (yes, I have literally been pregnant IN every year since 2014 🤪) and a big question I get asked is, “HOW?!” “How on earth do y’all have the energy?” “How do you find the time?” “Do all your kids sleep through the night?” (No) “Does the baby sleep through the night?” (Absolutely not! 😴) “Do your kids go to bed super early” (I wish!!! But, no) So when do we find the time to do it?? Some nights all the kids take shifts in waking up or the baby won’t stay asleep but despite all that we still get some nights where they are all asleep at the same time as we get into bed (even if it’s just for 20 minutes) Sometimes this means giving up tv for the night or getting off our phones or to stop working. But whenever we don’t have a kid in our bed we always cuddle and that usually leads to things 😉 As stated in the video, sacrificing sleep in order to be intimate may seem like a lot of energy in the moment, but it will actually give your relationship more energy AND energize you! ❤️❤️ Now, it’s important to note we don’t do this out of guilt or pressure. It’s also important to note that it isn’t always hot and heavy with us 24/7. Each couple has different seasons of life. ❤️ Despite what some articles or videos want to tell you, there is no magic number in how many times per week or per month that ensure a healthy seggs life. It is truly dependent on each couple since each couple has different needs. As long as the two of you are communicating, and are the same page, how intimate the two of you are is 💯 up to you two!! Do not compare! “Comparison is the thief of joy” ❤️ Now for me, when I notice it’s been a while since we were last intimate my husband and I will take a moment to evaluate why. Is it due to something in our relationship? Or is it external factors? Is it the temporary season we are in? Once we can pinpoint what it may be, we can better communicate and make sure we are the same page ❤️ Remember, you are spending the rest of your life with each other. It’s going to ebb and flow. Just like life, it can’t be hot and heavy 24/7. ❤️❤️ How we find time for intimacy after having kids ❤️🔥
Chrissy Horton
In the famous words of Michael Scott, “Why are you the way that you are?”
Chrissy Horton
I’m Chrissy, I am pregnant with my 6th kid and I love sharing practical bump friendly outfits that can be worn through any stage of motherhood! 🤰 Whether you are looking for pregnant, postpartum, breastfeeding friendly outfits or are a mama trying to find comfortable cute looks, I am here for you! This look is great for church (pregnant or not!) or a date night, brunch, baby shower, bridal shower, you name it! I plan on documenting what I am wearing to church every Sunday in hopes that it helps give you some ideas on how to style your bump! But I would love to hear if there is anything else you would like to see! ❤️ #bumpfriendlyfashion #churchoutfit #maternitystyle #maternityfashion #maternitydress
Chrissy Horton
“If the church ain’t cryin it’s dyin” Jesus said, “Let the children come to me.” Trust me I KNOW the struggle of taking the time and making the sacrifice to get to church. I know how it can be stressful and it may feel like “What’s the point? I didn’t even hear the sermon.” But Jesus sees you. He sees you are making that sacrifice to be there and are doing what you can to raise your children in the faith. I got a lot of negative comments about bringing stuff to church when posting this elsewhere so for anyone saying “What happened to making them sit down and listen?” Or “How will they learn if they are always entertained?” You do realize this video is in regards to toddlers right? These comments are pretty upsetting. Moms get shamed for not bringing their kids to church then when they do it's not good enough. Got to bring it a step further and shame them for bringing a few silent things to help them through it. 😔 While I agree with having them pay attention, some of you seem to be forgetting what an active 10 month old to 2 year old are capable of processing on a cognitive level. This video is directed towards that age group. They aren't cognitively wired at this age to understand the importance of the mass. They aren't cognitively wired to sit still for an hour either. Kids this age learn through interacting and their senses. Touch, feel, movement, talking, exploring etc. Mass isn't very conducive to letting your child do this for over an hour. So parents have two options. They can walk out of mass every 5 minutes as their baby or toddler behaves as a baby or toddler should OR they can bring a few silent activities to get them through it so they the parents can be a part of the mass which is important as well. I understand what you are saying if the child is older but having an expectation of a 1 or 2 year old to behave in this manner is unrealistic and not how their brains are wired at this stage. Lastly, For those of you who are believers and have judgement on a parent bringing silent non distracting activities for their toddler during church I am going to ask you to check yourself. Would Jesus want you shaming moms this way? Would he want you discouraging a postpartum mother who is doing her her best to bring her child up in the faith this way? Would he want you to brag about how your children don't need these things? Would he want you to put others down? Would he want you to make judgements and assumptions about a child or parent when you have zero clue what battles they are facing? Would he want you to be the reason that new families feel uncomfortable and not welcomed in his house based on your judgment? I understand we are all sinners and make mistakes but these are public comments some of you are leaving and you represent the faith. Taking the time to write out hurtful or negative comments like this to other moms isn't a knee jerk reaction. It takes some time and thought to write it out. So please use that time and energy and pray. Maybe ask The Lord for guidance before projecting in the comments. God Bless ❤❤ #newmomtips #toddlermom #toddleractivities #catholictiktok #christiantiktok #sandiegomom #catholicfaith
Chrissy Horton
Here is part 2 of the systems we have in place to maintain a tidy home with 5 young kids ❤️ Remember, these systems were created because we felt like we were drowning 😂 I found myself getting stressed and overwhelmed over every little thing and realized my environment had a lot to do with it. Now don’t get me wrong I embrace the mess and chaos. Some days the baby won’t let you put them down or your kids want to play catch a bit longer. In those instances, the mess can wait. I won’t look back on my life and remember all the times my house was perfectly tidy. I’ll remember the moments I spent with my children 🤗❤️ Now with all that said, I still don’t thrive when the house feels like it’s never going to be neat again. So that’s why my husband and I developed these systems. If we feel behind or overwhelmed due to the mess, we fall back on these systems! Here is our midday clean up checklist ✔️Clean playroom (do one room at a time. Do not get distracted and go to another room, by sticking to one room until it’s done you are guaranteeing you will get at least one room done and will feel accomplished!) ✔️ Clean up dining area. This is a big one for us since that’s where we homeschool. If that’s not your situation, change this room out to a high traffic area. ✔️ Sort laundry. We start a load at night before we tuck the kids in and the. move it to the dryer once they are asleep. The next day we do a quick wrinkle release on the dryer, unload, and sort ✔️ Empty the dishwasher. We run the dishwasher at night so we unload the next day. ✔️ Clean kitchen and make sure ALL dishes are loaded in the dishwasher or cleaned. This will set us up for success when it comes to the dinner dishes and make the closing shift a lot easier! ✔️ Clear your drop zone. This is an area of the house where you drop all the random crap from the day. I always feel like if the drop zone is clean then I am already way ahead! What are some of your tidy tips? #cleaningmotivation #momoflittles #momlifebelike #sahmlife #honestmom
Chrissy Horton
This has helped with that 1st trimester nausea too!! 🤢 On those days where I couldn’t stomach almost anything, this one hit the spot and was bearable to eat. I also love how there are no strong smells associated with it! • 🍨 1 small school of vanilla ice cream (can be dairy free ice cream instead if that’s your preference) • 🥛 1 cup whole milk (can be whatever percentage or dairy free milk you prefer) How much you put in will depend on how thick you want it to be. One cup gives me the perfect amount!! • 🍌 A handful (or 1 cup) frozen fruit of your choice! My favorite right now is banana or mangos! But really any fruit you like will work! • Bonus: Top with whipped cream I know this is crazy simple but sometimes we don’t know what we are craving when pregnant and stumbling on videos like these help us figure it out 😝 Fruit seems to be the biggest thing I crave when pregnant and is the least offensive to my nausea, so this combo hits a lot of marks for me! What are some of your favorite pregnancy cravings? Or any craving, pregnant or not! #pregnancycravings #pregnantlife #pregnancysnacks
Chrissy Horton
I mean, where’s the lie? 😝 #bigfamily #bigfamilylife #catholicfamily
Chrissy Horton
All this for just one night and day 😂 It honestly feels like I am packing up the whole bathroom when it comes to any trip with a baby, toddler and 3 other kids…jk it’s me. I have a skin care routine I don’t budge from, even if it is just 24 hours 😝 Anyone guesses to where we went on this quick trip?! 👀 I am not a seasoned traveler when it comes to traveling with multiple little children so I would love to hear some tips! #travelingwithkids #travelingwithbabies #bigfamilylife
Chrissy Horton
Bringing in the groceries 6 months pregnant feels like an Olympic sport 😝🏅 This is what we get for groceries every week as a family of 7! My husband is in charge of this task. He makes the list each week and orders everything. If there is a specific meal I want to make I just tell him the ingredients I need and he adds it to the list. He is in charge of getting the essentials and all our “safe meals” for the kids! What does your weekly grocery haul look like?? 🛒 #sahmlife #groceryhaul #bigfamilymeals #honestmotherhood #dayinthelife #momof5
Chrissy Horton
Chaotic night time routine with 3 who are 4 and under at 5 months pregnant 🤪❤️ Coffee doesn’t agree with me but on these solo nights I think about making a cup around 5pm every time ☕️ What does your nighttime routine look like? Please tell me I am not the only one who almost burns dinner? 🙈😝 #momvlogger #sahmvlogs #sandiegomom
Chrissy Horton
Here is a glimpse into our night routine as a family of 7, soon to be 8! 🤰 (With time stamps) We try so hard to get the kids in bed by 8:00 pm but it NEVER works out. 🤪 With so many young kids we have found that having a schedule is great but to be flexible at the same time. Things come up, one kid needs extra snuggles one night, the other wants to talk more about their day, one is just wired and can’t fall asleep 😵‍💫 But instead of stressing about it we lean into those moments ❤️ There is going to come a time where our kids may not want to share as much at the end of the day, they may not need that snuggle, and they won’t ask, “Just one more story please?” 😭 So as anxious as we are some nights to get them to sleep, we also know this time is short and so precious 🥹❤️❤️ What does your night time routine look like?? #sahmvlogs #momvlog #pregnancyjourney #pregnant #nightroutinewithkids
Chrissy Horton
To all my new mamas who miss "her," here is some big sis advice from a mom of 5 pregnant with number 6❤️❤️ Lets talk grieving your old self after you have a baby. Up until your baby was born your time was your own. Just because you become a mom doesn't mean you stop caring about going out or being spontaneous. You are still you! You are still your own person! But becoming a mother doesn't erase who we are. Rather, it allows us to shed the parts of ourselves that no longer serve us. Eventually You will get out of your postpartum haze and realize this baby gave your life meaning beyond measure. You will realize that you are in love in a way that you didn't think was possible. Anytime we enter a new chapter in life it can be scary and easy to cling to the past. But the chapter you are about to embark on, oh mama I promise it's worth every step of the way!🥹❤️ #postpartumjourney #postpartumlife
Chrissy Horton
"Don't compare vour chapter 2 to someone else's chapter 9" The younger your child, the more dependent they are on you for every single thing. Expecting yourself to look like a million bucks, have the house in perfect order, and be able to go out on lots of date nights, just isn't a practical expectation during this is a TEMPORARY phase. You can't compare yourself to the mom who has kids in elementary school while you are changing multiple diapers a day. In fact....let's just stop comparing all together We are each on different journes and are in different seasons. Comparison is the thief of joy! What season of motherhood are you currently in?
Chrissy Horton
It may not look like much to some, but this everyday routine is a life I have always dreamed of ❤️🥹 Is it always perfect like this? No! In fact, even this night wasn't "perfect." There were some arguments about dinner, some kids fighting brushing their teeth, and some refusing to go to bed. Shoot, in one part you can hear the frustration in my voice as I was being asked a million questions while trying to make dinner 😂 But all of that, even the not so glamorous moments, are what make these everyday nights so beautiful. 🥹 Some of our most beautiful memories are made in the everyday moments ❤️ What's your evening routine look like? Do you eat dinner earlier or later? Do your kids go to bed earlier? What time do you finally get to sleep? Let me know cause I could use a better night time schedule 🙈😝 #sahmvlogs #momvlogger #sandiegomom #momvlog Evening weeknight routine of a mom of 5 pregnant with baby # 6 living in an American suburb 🇺🇸😉
Chrissy Horton
Recipe is by @samantha and so delicious!! ⬇️ • Place 6 pieces of cut up bacon in a large Dutch Oven or soup pot over medium heat and cook until bacon is crisp and browned. • Remove bacon pieces and set aside, leaving the fat in the pot. • Add 2 tbsp butter and 1 medium chopped onion and cook over medium heat until onions are tender (3-5 minutes). • Add 3 cloves of minced garlic and cook until fragrant (about 30 seconds). • Sprinkle 3/4 cup flour over the ingredients in the pot and stir until smooth (use whisk if needed). • Add 2lbs diced potatoes (I used about 6 golden potatoes) to the pot along with 4 cups chicken broth, 2 cups milk, 2/3 cups heavy cream, salt, pepper, and 1/4 tsp chili powder. Stir well. • Bring to a boil and cook until potatoes are tender when pierced with a fork (about 10 minutes). • Reduce heat to simmer. If you want chucks of potatoes only remove half of the soup and transfer to blender. If you want it all creamy out all soup in blender and purée into smooth. Alternatively can use an immersion blender. • Return the pureed soup to the pot and add 2/3 cup sour cream and reserved bacon pieces, stir well. • Allow soup to simmer for 15 minutes before serving. • Top with additional sour cream, bacon, cheddar cheese, or chives. Enjoy! What are some of your go to pregnancy cravings or any cravings for that matter when it’s a rainy day? 🥣
Chrissy Horton
As a mom pregnant with my 6th kid in 8 years, here are a few things have learned when it comes to handling 2 under 2 👶👶❤️❤️ There is so much more to cover when it comes to this so if you have any specific questions, drop them in the comments and I'II do my best to answer them 🤗 I need you to remember that this all just a season. This isn't your new normal. My first two are 17 months apart, are now 8 and 6 years old, and are THE best of friends! This time is so small in the grand scheme of things when it comes to the lifetime you will have with your children. I promise every bit of it is worth it and I promise you will find your groove eventually. What are some of your tips when it comes to 2 under 2??
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