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#ad #ad There is nothing like a delicious treat to keep me moving and motivated while doing a speed clean. @Bolthouse Farms has so many perfect options that hit the spot every time. The Strawberry Parfait is my new favorite. Somehow it tastes like a delicious treat but is also so nutritious! And I was able to knock out everything I wanted to clean while my girls were napping so I can focus on packing for our trip now! #BolthouseFarmsPartner #BolthouseLittleTreat #TreatYourself #LittleTreatCulture #speedclean #cleanwithme #cleaningroutine #momlife
We have a pretty small laundry room so I am always looking for more ways to make this space more functional. These are some of my favorite things that have made doing laundry so much easier! The biggest game changer for me is my retractable laundry room. I love that it barely takes up any space and I can just pull out the cord when I need it to hang dry my clothes and put it back when I'm done. The magnetic washer door prop is a must for a front loader machine to keep it open while your machine dries out. I always had an issue with my door either not staying open or opening too far and hitting the door so this has been a huge help! The magnetic lint bin is so nice to have attached to my dryer. I always had lint piling up on top of my dryer because I would forget to throw it away. Now it has a place to go! I love collapsible laundry baskets! This one is by far the best I have tried- it's so sturdy! And I can easily tuck it by my dryer for storage! The laundry symbol sign actually has nothing to do with helping in a small laundry room- but I love having something to tell me what all the symbols mean! It drove me crazy having to try to figure out what the tags meant, but now I have something super convenient and adorable to tell me what I need to know! #laundry #laundryroom #smalllaundryroom #laundryhacks #laundrytips #momtips #momhacks #homehacks #momlife
Decluttered our spice cabinet. I love the glass jars we have for our spices that we use all the time but we have a lot of additional jars of spices we don't use super often that are in their original jars and also partial bottles that didn't fully fit in the glass jars. I went through and checked dates to throw out whatever is old. Then my goal was to get them all on the top shelf in one bin so we can just grab them when we need them. It was time to donate our small blender. This one just isn't super powerful so we got a new one a few months ago to replace it but I never got around to moving this one out of our kitchen. This is a cabinet we are opening and using things from all the time so it was good to get it decluttered and more organized. #declutter #decluttering #declutteringtips #declutterwithme #howtodeclutter #organizewithme #cleanwithme #momlife #momtips #kitchenorganization #spicecabinet ##organizedhome #declutteryourlife #declutteringformentalhealth
The only thing better than regular magnet tiles is a magnetic tile race car track! This is a favorite toy in our house right now! Both of my girls are loving it. Anna is 2 1/2 and Emily is 5. It helps them be so creative and there are endless things they can do with this! It's the perfect thing for them to independently play. The best part is that Austin and I actually both have fun with this too. I don't always love playing with kid's toys with my girls so it's so nice finding something we can all enjoy playing with together. #kidstoys #magnetictiles #toddleractivities #toddlertoys #kidstoys #momtip #momhacks #momlife
Decluttered our junk drawer. This drawer needs attention every few months. This time it was filled with tons of cords and random tools and extra pieces from putting furniture together. I took out all the random screws and stuff like that to keep in the garage. We also had a ton of change in here so I put it all into one bag to add to our change jar. And I got rid of all the trash that inevitably ends up in this drawer. Since cords seem to keep ending up in this drawers, I got a cord organizer and I love it! It even came with the stretchy cord ties so I was able to wrap all the cords and each one has it's own compartment in the organizer. It's going to be so much easier to find cords and it's so much better than all the cords being tangled in the drawer. #declutter #decluttering #declutteringtips #declutterwithme #cleanwithme #homeorganization #junkdrawerorganization #kitchenorganizing #organizewithme #organizedhome #declutteryourlife #declutteringformentalhealth
Decluttered a cabinet in our entry table. I somehow had a mix of summer stuff and winter stuff in here. So I cleared out our things for going to the pool and the rest of our summer stuff. Then I decluttered our gloves and hats down to just what we will actively be using. I paired up gloves and took out the ones that didn't have a match. I also added things that we typically need to grab before we leave like disinfectant wipes, tissues, and hand wipes for easy access. I also decided to store our hair styling stuff for the girls in this cabinet. More often than not, I do their hair in the living room so it makes sense to store it here. We really need side tables in our living room, but we've been putting off getting them. So in the meantime, I found this mini table that attaches to the arm of the couch. It's so nice to be able to grab out when we want a drink or snack next to us on the couch. This cabinet has been a great place to store it when it's not in use. This was another super quick project that made our living room less cluttered and help to keep things we use all the time easy to find. #declutter #decluttering #declutterwithme #organizewithme #cleanwithme #momlife #momtips #declutteryourlife
Decluttered two drawers in my dresser. This is my first step in starting to declutter my clothes. My closet has truly been one of the spaces I've been dreading to declutter. I have clothes from so many different seasons of life from pre-kids, to maternity, to postpartum- I have a hard time letting go of clothes for some reason. Because of that I have so many clothes to go through and declutter. It's honestly the most overwhelming thing I've been needing to declutter and I've been putting it off for so long! And I'm still trying to figure out where I'm keeping and how I'm going to organize all of my clothes between our closet and dresser. But for now, I'm happy with what I decluttered and how these two drawers are organized! It's so much easier to actually find things in here now! #declutter #decluttering #declutteryourlife #closetdeclutter #declutterwithme #organizewithme #cleanwithme #momtips #clothesorganization
We have had batteries floating around different drawers and cabinets in our house so I knew I wanted to find something to store them in that was more organized and I could easily find what we need. This organizer fits everything we need and I love how easy it is to access. I also really like the shape of this container. It fits perfectly in a cabinet in our laundry room without taking up much space. It has spots for batteries on the front and the back and there's plenty of room for all the different kinds of batteries. #declutter #declutteringyourhome #organize #organizewithme #organizationhacks #organization #homeorganization #batteryorganization #springcleaning #momlife
Refreshed Emily's big girl room! We rearranged her furniture to give her more space to play. Emily loves flowers so much so I wanted to do a wildflower theme for her. It turned out so sweet and she loves it! #kidsroomdecor #wildflowers #momlife #homeideas #homedecor #biggirlroom #biggirlroomideas
So many characters! Both of my girls are really into the little character figurines to play with all of their toys but wow, is it getting overwhelming! We have so many sets from different shows and movies. I went through Emily's room and she had a bunch of different sets floating around so I just gathered everything I could find into a basket to organize. I did decide to donate a set from a show we don't watch anymore so it felt good to declutter them down a little. I wanted to organize them by show so that instead of having them all out all the time, she can pick one or two sets to have out. And I got small containers that I labeled so we can easily keep them organize. I did this a few days ago and it's been great so far. #toyorganization #organization #declutter #momtip #momhacks #momlife #toystorage #kidstoyorganization #organizewithme #declutteringtips #toyrotation #toystoragehacks
This magnetic tiles race car track set has quickly become a favorite toy around here. We actually had two boxes of them- because our original 30 piece was just not enough for all of our designs. But the boxes were just not a great way to store them. I got this bin and it’s perfect! I love bins that have two layers like this to help keep things organized! It’s easier to pull out what we need and to put things away when we’re done. This is definitely a toy that keeps my girls busy for a long time. It’s so creative and there’s endless things you can do with them! Austin and I actually enjoy them as much as the kids do! It’s a fun activity to all do together! #toystorage #kidstoys #kidstoyorganization #toyorganization #organizewithme #declutter #declutteringtips #storagetips ##kidsactivities##toystoragehacks##magnetictiles
If I don't stay on top of the clutter on my desk, it looks like this pretty quickly. My desk is actually in our bedroom. We don't have any additional rooms to make in to an office, but our master bedroom is pretty large so Austin and I each have a desk in our room to work at. I decluttered and reworked this space last year by added shelves to the wall and I have loved it, but it's such an easy catch all space too. So I really have to work at keeping it cleared off so I can use my desk. This quick declutter only took about 10 minutes and now I'm all set to enjoy my workspace again! #declutter #decluttering #declutteryourlife #declutterwithme #organizewithme #deskorganization #organizedhome #cleanwithme #momlife #declutteringformentalhealth
Once I changed the method of how I decluttered, that's when I actually started making progress in our home. I used to get so overwhelmed when I would attempt to declutter. My process used to look like this: Attempt to declutter an entire room at once, pull everything out, panic, waste so much time trying to figure out where to start, maybe get rid of a thing or two, and then give up and have to put everything back. So I would waste an entire day without making any progress and end up so discouraged thinking I couldn't ever actually declutter our home. Now my process looks like this: I use my Room Break Down list to list out small sections that will take ideally 15-30 minutes each, so one drawer or cabinet at a time. Then I work through each one, from start to finish. I like to try to do one a day so it doesn't get too overwhelming and I'm making consistent progress. I follow the same 5 steps as I declutter each area. And now with this system I don't get too overwhelmed and I'm able to continuously be making progress towards a home that truly serves our family well in this season of life! #declutter #decluttering #declutteringtips #declutterwithme #cleanwithme #homeorganization #declutteryourlife #declutteringformentalhealth #howtodeclutter #momlife #kitchenorganization #spicecabinet #organizedhome #cleaningroutines
Decluttered the bottom two drawers in my dresser today. One drawer is workout clothes and the other is for swimsuits and coverups. I got rid of some old workout clothes that weren't in good shape anymore. And I moved some things out of these drawers that didn't belong here. I love these drawer dividers! They make it so much easier to stay organized and to be able to actually see everything in the drawer! I also learned a new folding method for pants that I really like and works perfectly for the space with the drawer dividers. #declutter #decluttering #declutteringtips #declutterwithme #cleanwithme #homeorganization #organizewithme #declutteryourlife #declutteringformentalhealth #howtodeclutter #momlife #clothesorganization
A big part of decluttering my home has also been finding better ways to organize and store things. It makes such a big difference in being able to maintain the space I decluttered. Most of the bins I use are the CityLife brand from Amazon. They have so many different shapes and sizes. My favorites are the ones that also have special organization for different things. The bins that have two layers with a tray on top and more storage below are my favorite right now. I've used these for legos and play dough but you could use them for so many things! And the bin with 6 removable compartments is so great for art utensils! A label maker is a must for organizing. This one was an upgrade for me from one I lost a few months ago. It's been amazing! Acrylic drawer organizers are also such a staple for me. I use them in so many drawers in our house to keep us organized and to help minimize clutter for happening. #declutter #decluttering #declutteringtips #organizingtiktok #organizewithme #declutterwithme #organizationfavorites #momtips #declutteryourlife #momlife #organizinghacks #howtodeclutter
Doing a deep cleaning of my kitchen sink and garbage disposal is on my weekly cleaning list. I'm really working on being more proactive in my cleaning instead of having to panic clean anytime someone is coming to our house or when I get super stressed. So I've been putting more systems and routines in to place to be continually cleaning our home in more of a proactive/maintenance way instead of reactive/panic cleaning. And honestly, it's been so good for me and our family. I'm still adding more things into my daily, weekly, and monthly routines, but I am making some great progress! And it takes a lot less effort to clean when people are coming to our home now which I love! My goal while I've been planning my daily, weekly, and monthly cleaning is breaking down cleaning items into things I can do in small amounts of time from start to finish- the same way I declutter. It makes it feel like I can knock out a quick cleaning project and make progress without getting overwhelmed or putting it off because I just don't have enough time to spend hours at a time cleaning. Here's how I do my weekly kitchen sink and garbage disposal clean: I use the Lemi Shine disposal cleaner because it's so quick and easy and I really don't have to do much besides throw it in and let it clean for me. Once my disposal is clean, I sprinkle in baking soda and then add vinegar so they start to bubble and form a paste and use a scrub brush to scrub down the sink. I rinse that off and then I like to do a round of scrubbing with Dawn dish soap. I rinse one more time and wipe sink down with a towel. It literally sparkles after this routine and smells so good! This is such a quick weekly cleaning item that I can do in just a couple of minutes. #cleaningroutines #cleaninghacks #quickcleaning #weeklycleaning #cleanwithme #sinkcleaning #garbagedisposalcleaninghack #momlife #momtip #momcleaning
It was time for a little spring refresh in our living room! I haven’t had much on our entry table since I took down Christmas stuff so it was nice to add a little decor! Why are mini lamps the best thing? I keep trying to add them to every space in our home and I love it! There’s something so cozy about using lamps instead of overhead lighting! #springrefresh #springcleaning #springdecor #entrytable #livingroomdecor #livingroom #momlife #minilamp #cozyhome #cozyhomedecor #spring
Unpacking and setting up our Airbnb makes such a difference to be able to enjoy our trip so much more! I always used to live out of our suitcases, but it turns out that I love hanging up our clothes and getting organized! It's worth the time and energy it takes. #traveltips #travelingwithkids #vacationswithkids #unpackwithme #organizewithme #momlife #momhacks #momtips #momof2 #sahm #disneyvacation #motherhood #vacationpacking #airbnbmusthaves #airbnbtips
Scrapbooking is so much fun! And I love that I'm also creating a memory book for us to look back on! I told myself I will not be overly focused on this looking perfect, which I really struggle with, but instead I'm just doing this to be creative and have fun. And this was so relaxing and super enjoyable for me. I felt so happy doing it and refreshed after. I think hobbies are so important for mamas. My focus is always my girls, taking care of our home, and my work which are all wonderful and important things, but this year I'm committing to improving myself in a lot of areas. Developing creative interests like this was on my list this year and I'm proud of myself for actually doing it. #momhobby #momof2 #momlife #scrapbooking #scrapbookwithme #disneyvacation #sahm #sahmlife #motherhood
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