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Replying to @imcallingthelaww we did a switcharoo… After weeks of watching and tracking the little matted pup, Benjamin, we were able to scoop him, get him vetted, cleaned up, and ready for his road trip out to @theanimalpad in San Diego!!!🤩 And thanks to our loyal compadres @emilystirrupversionii and @scocs15 after delivering Benjamin, in return, they brought home baby Jeffrey!!!♥️♥️♥️ He’s perfect. What a win/win/win🔥 We added some items to the wishlist for just Baby Jeffrey, to make his stay with us more comfortable… please feel free to spoil him!!! #fyp #teams#teamsocialmediah#forthewinn #phx
Replying to @nsjsbsysheusbsh i tried a drop trap and a regular trap, but she wouldnt go near either. She was so sick. I panicked when i saw her health start to decline, and didnt know how else to catch her… we hospitalized her twice. Twice she was sent home, and as soon as i would get her back here, she would look awful again. Our doctors werent seeing any abnormalities or fluid. The onset happened very quickly, and we couldnt get in fromt of it. I asked the ER doctor if it was her cat, would she drain the fluid amd do surgery?? Because thats what i wanted to do- she said, “i wouldnt put my own pet thru that much suffering, with the odds stacked against her this high.” It was a terrible night. I had convinced myself she was going to pull thru. The only solice ive fiund is knowing she didnt suffocate to death alone, cold and on the street. Im so sorry little Guernsey💔 #fyp #teamsocialmedia #phoenix #feralcat
YOU GUYS, WE ARE HALFWAY THERE!!!!! The Ranch is HERE!!!!! After years of dreaming, we’re thrilled to announce that Handover Rover has finally acquired a ranch! Thanks to the incredible generosity of one person, we’ve been presented with the opportunity of a lifetime. This is a game-changer for us and for the animals we rescue. With this property, we can finally take a deep breath and shift our focus to finding homes for the animals in our care, rather than constantly putting out fires that showed up on our door, daily. We aim to expand our reach to help more animals and educate more people. Whether it’s Sarah and I taking monthly field trips back to Phoenix to secure neglected street dogs or pulling dogs from the shelters that have no shot of making out alive, we’re committed to using this opportunity to do as much good as we can. But we can’t do it alone. To make this dream a reality, we need your help. We need to fence the property, move the water treadmill, and cover about $25,000 in other moving expenses. We have a donor willing to match every donation up to 10k!!!!! Every donation, no matter how small, will make a huge difference. This year has been a DOOZY, but we’ve achieved something remarkable with your support. #TeamSocialMedia FTW!!!  Thank you for being a part of our journey!  ✅LINKTREE for $10k MATCH ✅PAYPAL: koco@handoverRover.com ✅VENMO: @HandoverRover ✅ZELLE: info@handoverrover.com #ranchlife
If you can get a dog to play with you… 🙌🏼You’re in ⏰I could’ve sped up my process with Veda, by starting with some food engagement games with her, building her trust, and turned those food games into play. 🦮But we always have 10,000 things going on in the rescue, and I was in no rush, since her handler is one of the top 5 best trainers in the country. ✨My only goal was to create the least amount of stress for her. ✅If you need some starting points, or feel like you’ve plateaued, get out $20 course, FixLeashReactivity. That course is built on the foundation of relationship building. The bonus from doing that work, is you end up with a dog, that is no longer reactive, because of the confidence and engagement you’ve built🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼 #fyp #dogtrainingtips #phx #rescuedogs
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