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In My Patch gardening
Why i dont use mulch in my veggie garden… Do you use mulch in your veggie garden? 🙋‍♀️I don’t! I know… shock horror 😱 About 5 years ago I had this phone call with a popular mulch company (They were smart enough not to put it in an email) There are a couple reasons I don’t use mulch but this is a BIG one! . Me not using mulch always comes as a surprise to my online program students. And I’m sure there will be lots of mulch die hards who’ll argue their points in the comments …. It won’t change my mind. I’ve been growing my food the same way for years and years. Yes there are benefits to adding mulch - however there are some drawbacks backs too. There are other ways to get the same outcome without adding bought mulch to your garden. There are other ways I give my soil the love it needs to grow food. Mulching my soil with a bought mulch with the risk of it being sprayed isn’t one of them There are other ways to help protect your soil without the need for mulch. Even if there were 100% safe mulch options if I’d still be growing my food the same way. If you want to use mulch in your garden you do you 👉 I just wanted to share one of the reasons I don’t… If you’ve been trying to grow food for a while without much luck hit the links in my bio to learn how I can help you grow food first go! 💚💚💚 🥂 Sarah #inmypatch #gardening #mulch #beginnergardener #gardentok #vegetablegarden #usingmulch #growingveggies