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Dr. Sarah Rav - Study Expert
This will SAVE your grades for real ✅🧠📚💯 - THE HACK? Timed Practice ✍🏼 Do practice exams under full exam conditions (eg without notes, complete silence, reading time if applicable and no breaks). This is one of the FASTEST, most EFFECTIVE ways to prepare for exams because: 1. It’s a form of active recall, which helps you memorise the content 2. You’ll learn how to APPLY the information rather than just rote learn, which is often what exam questions test you on 3. You can streamline your revision by focusing on high-yield content (as examiners tend to repeat questions/topics each year) 4. You’ll learn exactly what the examiner is looking for in the answers; when you mark your exams and compare what you’ve written to the marking guide - #studytips #studyhacks #studytok #examready #examtips #studentproblems
Dr. Sarah Rav - Study Expert
No caffeine required either! 📚💯🏆📈 - How to Study When You’re Tired After School 👩🏼‍🎓 1️⃣ Get 10mins of movement in - could be walking, stretching, jogging on the spot etc. Whatever it is, it will help give you a small boost of endorphins and energy! 🏃 . 2️⃣ Change up the scenery - if you’re used to studying in the comfort of your own home, try going to a library or a nearby cafe. Being around other people will help you benefit from body doubling, and keep things exciting ☕️ . 3️⃣ Have a high protein, nutritious snack - this will give you sustainable energy to power through your study session (rather than something heavy in carbs that might lead you to crash soon after). My favourite is Greek yoghurt & fruit, or a Protein Shake & PB sandwich 🥪 . 4️⃣ Listen to upbeat music - is always a great way to lift your mood and energise you 🎵 . 5️⃣ Just Don’t!! - it’s also okay to listen to your body. If you are truly exhausted, take a break. Instead, find times when you’re more alert to study, like in the morning before school, during free periods, or on the weekend 🙏 - #studyhacks #studytips #studymotivation #studentlife #studentproblems
Dr. Sarah Rav - Study Expert
The best way to memorise BULK content, FAST ✅🧠💯👩🏼‍🎓 - THE BLURTING METHOD: 1️⃣ On a blank sheet of paper, write down EVERYTHING you can remember about the topic(s). * From memory only. * Do not look at your notes! 2️⃣ Compare what you’ve written down to your notes. Highlight the areas that you forgot. 3️⃣ Learn those areas. * Reread your notes, flashcards etc 4️⃣ Repeat until you can write down everything from memory! 5️⃣ If you have more time, try practice exam questions to REALLY set yourself up for success by learning to then apply your knowledge ✅ - #studyhacks #examtips #examready #exams #studytips
Dr. Sarah Rav - Study Expert
Get Straight As with MINIMAL effort? Yes please! 💯🧠✅👩🏼‍🎓 - #studyhacks #studytips #studytok #examtips #examready
Dr. Sarah Rav - Study Expert
Does this happen to you?? Here’s how you can avoid falling behind because of it ✅💯📚💖 - #studytips #studyhacks #studymotivation #studentlife #students #studytok
Dr. Sarah Rav - Study Expert
The one study hack that will set you apart from the rest!! 🙌🏽💯✅🏆 - What is APPLICATION? 🤔 This is where you do practice questions (from the textbook, past year exams, or online resources) to learn how to understand APPLY content rather than simply rote learn it. Why Is It Effective?? 🏆🏆 Firstly, application questions is a form of active recall, which is one of the most effective ways to memorise content. But even better than that, application questions help you perform better on exams, more so than any other active form of recall. This is because exams often get you to apply the information you’ve learnt to real-life problems, rather than just asking for rote-learned definitions. These examples often change year to year, so you CAN’T memorise every single possible example. Doing application questions is exactly how you can develop this skill, and be able to apply the info you’ve learnt to ANY situation or example that you might encounter on the exam. It will lead to MUCH better performance on your exams, but also in the real world and to real-life problems 💯 - #studyhacks #studytips #studymotivation #studytok
Dr. Sarah Rav - Study Expert
It’s INSANE how much you can cover in one night with this hack ✅🧠🏆 - THE TRAFFIC LIGHT SYSTEM🚦: 
1️⃣ Print out a copy of your syllabus/learning guide .
2️⃣ Go through each dot point & colour code them based on your understanding: 🔴 Red - what you have NO idea about 🟠 Orange - what you are OK with, but need more work on 🟢 Green - what you know WELL, and don’t need to revise further . 3️⃣ Focus on the Red topics first, then the Orange topics, until you can make them ALL green!! This method helps you prioritise what you need to study most, helping you get marks in the areas you would have otherwise lost them instead of going through things chronologically and wasting time revising concepts you know well & don’t really need to cover again. - #studyhack #studyhacks #examseason #examhacks #studytok #studentlife
Dr. Sarah Rav - Study Expert
SAVE this for your exams! 📚💯✅💻 - #examrevision #examtips #examready #studytips #studymotivation #studytok
Dr. Sarah Rav - Study Expert
It’s an EASY fix once you know why ✅🧠👩🏼‍🎓📚 - 1️⃣ You’re studying without a plan - without a plan, it’s very easy to get distracted, or to waste time on lower yield content or tasks that you don’t necessarily need to do but find easier. Whilst you might still be getting work done, this doesn’t necessarily mean you’re making the best use of your time, and you may run out of time for the really important stuff 😳 ✅ Solution? ✅ Plan your study sessions before starting 📝 By doing so, you will be able to prioritise what needs to be done, stay focused and on track, and even get additional benefits without more time studying! . 2️⃣ You’re using passive study techniques - this type of study results in very low retention of information, and thus isn’t the best use of your time. ✅ Solution? ✅ Use Active Study techniques! These are any study techniques where you do something mental or physical to engage with the information. For example, summarising and writing notes in your own words rather than just reading the textbook, or the Feynman Technique where you explain the content to someone, speaking, using examples, simplifying, answering questions etc. . 3️⃣ You’re studying with your phone next to you - you and I both know how distracting our phones can be. It’s a constant struggle to stay off your phone when it’s nearby, and you’re receiving notifications. Even if you think you have all the self-control in the world, I bet there’s still notifications that you would jump to open if you saw them pop up on the screen . ✅ Solution? ✅ Keep your phone in another room! Tell your friends and family that you’re going to be away for a while, and to call you if it’s urgent. If you need to work with your classmates (eg for a group project), get them to email you or use something like Slack on your laptop so you don’t need to keep your phone with you. - #studyhacks #studytips #studytok #studentlife #studentproblems
Dr. Sarah Rav - Study Expert
The fastest way to become an academic weapon ✅👩🏼‍🎓💯📚 - THE POMODORO METHOD ⏰ Study for 25min, then rest for 5 mins. Repeat x4 then take a longer 10-15min break. As you train your focus, extend to 45min work and 10min break. This method forces you to take breaks at regular intervals, so that you can remain focus and efficient during the time you work. The short working periods provide you with a sense of urgency, which will also motivate you to knuckle down and crunch out the work, rather than give in to distractions. - #StudyTips #studytok #students #StudyHacks #studentlife
Dr. Sarah Rav - Study Expert
Straight As are EASY with these strategies ✅📚👩🏼‍🎓💯 - THE STUDY HACKS: 1️⃣ Timed Practice - do practice exams under full exam conditions (eg without notes, complete silence, reading time if applicable and no breaks). This is one of the BEST study methods to prepare for exams in the shortest amount of time as you’ll learn proper exam technique and how to APPLY information rather than just rote learn ⏰ . 2️⃣ Interleaving - during your exam prep, instead of studying one subject for an entire study session, switch between multple non-related subjects. For example, instead of 3 hours of Math, try 1 hour of Math, 1 hour of English, and 1 hour of Chemistry. Stick to the allocated time for each subject. You may need to prioritise & give more time to your weaker subjects, but always try to have a mix. This improves retention of information & exam performance (without need to study any longer), makes your sessions less tedious, and will ensure you prepare for all your exams, not just your preferred subjects 📚 . 3️⃣ Blurting - write down everything you can remember about the topic from memory. Compare what you have just blurted to your notes, revise the information you missed, and repeat until you remember everything 📣 . 4️⃣ Traffic Light Method - - print out a copy of your syllabus/learning guide, then go through each dot point and colour code them based on your understanding: 🔴 Red - what you have NO idea about 🟠 Orange - what you are OK with, but need more work on 🟢 Green - what you know WELL, and don’t need to revise further . Focus on the Red topics first, then the Orange topics, until you can make them ALL green!! This will help you prioritise areas that need the most work, rather than wasting time going over what you already know 🚦 - #studyhacks #examready #examrevision #examseason #studytok #studytips
Dr. Sarah Rav - Study Expert
Without it, you’re setting yourself up to fail! 😭😭 (Read below) ⬇️ - Use TIMED PRACTICE! ⏰ This is where you do practice exams under full exam conditions (eg without notes, complete silence, reading time if applicable and no breaks). This is a MUST do when preparing for exams because: 📕 It helps you learn how to APPLY the knowledge. You could memorise the whole textbook and still do poorly on the exam if you don’t learn how to respond to questions the way examiners want you to. This is why so many students often complain that they get questions on the exams that they weren’t prepared for or have never seen before. Exam questions often don’t ask you to just regurgitate definitions word for word, instead they will present a real world example (and likely a new one every time) to see if you can apply your knowledge to solve the problem! By doing practice questions and comparing your exams to the marking scheme, you will develop this skill quickly, and be prepared for ANY question you could get. 📕 It helps you perfect your exam technique. By replicating the exam conditions, you will develop your own rhythm in terms of what you do during reading time, how long you spend on each questions, what you do for questions you don’t know etc. This is a skill itself, entirely seperate from knowing the content, that needs to be developed. 📕 It gives you an idea of how much time you have & how quick you need to be!! Exams can be long, and being able to pace yourself and stay focused for the entire duration is something that also needs to be developed with practice. - #studytips #studyhacks #examready #examtime #studytok #examtips #examseason
Dr. Sarah Rav - Study Expert
The best techniques to study SMART & save your grades ✅🏆💯🧠 - THE TECHNIQUES: 1️⃣ Feynman Technique 🧑🏼‍🏫- learn the content, then teach it to someone who is unfamiliar with the topic (e.g. a child). Even better if you create a presentation & use analogies/diagrams/examples. This is by far the best and FASTEST way to learn content on a deeper level . 2️⃣ SQ3R 🤓 - SQ3R 📚 - to actively engage with anything you read use the following steps: Survey, Question, Read, Recite, and Review. Create your own questions that you then answer when reading through the text makes it more engaging and memorable . 3️⃣ Active Recall 🧠 - retrieve information when prompted without reading/looking at your notes (eg Flashcards, Blurting, Practice Questions), to force your brain to retain the information for next time, allowing you to remember and learn FASTER . 4️⃣ Timed Practice ✍🏼 - do practice exams under full exam conditions (eg without notes, complete silence, reading time if applicable and no breaks). This is one of the BEST study methods to prepare for exams in the shortest amount of time as you’ll learn proper exam technique and how to APPLY information rather than just rote learn - #studyhacks #studytok #studentlife #studywithme #studymotivation
Dr. Sarah Rav - Study Expert
The one study hack that will set you apart from the rest!! 🙌🏽💯✅🏆 - What is APPLICATION? 🤔 This is where you do practice questions (from the textbook, past year exams, or online resources) to learn how to understand APPLY content rather than simply rote learn it. Why Is It Effective?? 🏆🏆 Firstly, application questions is a form of active recall, which is one of the most effective ways to memorise content. But even better than that, application questions help you perform better on exams, more so than any other active form of recall. This is because exams often get you to apply the information you’ve learnt to real-life problems, rather than just asking for rote-learned definitions. These examples often change year to year, so you CAN’T memorise every single possible example. Doing application questions is exactly how you can develop this skill, and be able to apply the info you’ve learnt to ANY situation or example that you might encounter on the exam. It will lead to MUCH better performance on your exams, but also in the real world and to real-life problems 💯 - #studyhacks #studytips #studymotivation #studytok
Dr. Sarah Rav - Study Expert
This is legit GENIUS 💯✅📚👩🏼‍🎓 - THE LOCI METHOD 🤓 When reading a text, envision a common route or room, and make a list of all the objects you pass. Relate each object to a piece of content within the text that you wish to memorise (e.g. you’re imagining the walk from your room to the kitchen at home, and you’re reading a Biology textbook. You remember that your door handle is circular, like the shape of a ribosome, which produces protein for the cell). When you need to recall the info, walk through the route/room in your mind to bring back the information 🏡 - #studyhacks #memoryhacks #memorytraining #studytips #studywithme
Dr. Sarah Rav - Study Expert
Once you learn HOW to study, your grades will improve RAPIDLY ✅💯📚🏆 - THE HACKS: 1️⃣ Application - use practice questions (textbook, past year exams, online resources) to learn how to understand APPLY content rather than simply rote learn it. This will help you gain a deep understanding of the content & be able to memorise it FAST 📚 . 2️⃣ Feynman Technique - learn the content, then teach it to someone who is unfamiliar with the topic (e.g. a child). Even better if you create a presentation & use analogies/diagrams/examples. This is by far the best and FASTEST way to learn content on a deeper level 👩🏼‍🏫 . 3️⃣ Spaced Repetition - review content at regular, increasing intervals. For example: —> when you get home from school —> again that weekend —> the weekend after —> in a fortnight —> in a month —> in 3 months. This will help you REMEMBER the content much easier & for longer, overcoming the curve of forgetting 📆 . 4️⃣ SQ3R - to actively engage with anything you read use the following steps: Survey, Question, Read, Recite, and Review. Create your own questions that you then answer when reading through the text makes it more engaging and memorable 🤓 - #studyhacks #studytok #studytips #studentlife #studymotivation #studyspo
Dr. Sarah Rav - Study Expert
You’ll be SHOCKED at how productive you can be with this study hack ✅📚💯💻 - #studytips #studytok #studyhacks #productivityhacks #productivitytips
Dr. Sarah Rav - Study Expert
This might be the most effective study technique ever?? 😤💯📚✅ - The Technique: Flashcards (with a twist) 🧠 How? 🗂️ Convert your notes into flashcards, or download a pre-made deck (the app I’m using here is called ANKI). Then practice the flashcards at regular intervals. You can get creative and use pictures/diagrams, and make it more effective with Spaced Repetition. The TWIST to make it 1000X more effective is to write down or type the answer on a blank sheet before you check if you get it right (rather than just saying it in your head) - #studyhacks #studytips #timemanagement #productivityhacks #studygoals
Dr. Sarah Rav - Study Expert
Straight As are EASY once you know how 😉 ENGAGE x3 to stay on #StudyTok to learn all the secrets to study smarter, not harder! ✅📚💯⏰ - #studyhacks #studytips #studymotivation #studyspo
Dr. Sarah Rav - Study Expert
No revision needed when you study this SMART ✅👩🏼‍🎓📚🧠 - 1️⃣ Summarising - takes notes in class, by actively listening to what you teachers are saying and producing a SUMMARY in your own words. After class, read the textbook or any other resources and add to your summary ✍🏼 . 2️⃣ Spaced Repetition - review content at regular, increasing intervals. For example: Say you learn something in class that day. You would then review the content… —> when you get home from school —> again that weekend —> the weekend after —> in a fortnight —> in a month —> in 3 months. When your exams come around, you don’t NEED to revise because you’ll have committed the info to long term memory. You can jump straight into doing practice exams & focus on APPLICATION, which is way more effective than relearning theory 📅 3️⃣ Doodling - you doodle whilst reading, or listening to something (e.g. in class), you are more likely to remember the information. This is because doodling stimulates your brain enough for you to stay focused and alert without providing too much distraction 🎨 . 4️⃣ Timed Practice - do practice exams under full exam conditions (eg without notes, complete silence, reading time if applicable and no breaks). This is one of the BEST study methods to prepare for exams in the shortest amount of time as you’ll learn proper exam technique and how to APPLY information rather than just rote learn ⏳ . 5️⃣ Feynman Technique - learn the content, then teach it to someone who is unfamiliar with the topic (e.g. a child). Even better if you create a presentation & use analogies/diagrams/examples. This is by far the best and FASTEST way to learn content on a deeper level👩🏼‍🏫 . - #studyhacks #studytok #examready #examrevision #studysmart #studytips
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