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Dr. Sarah Rav - Study Expert
The BEST exam revision hack of all time ⬇️✅💯🏆 - THE BLURTING METHOD: 1️⃣ On a blank sheet of paper, write down EVERYTHING you can remember about the topic(s). * From memory only. * Do not look at your notes! 2️⃣ Compare what you’ve written down to your notes. Highlight the areas that you forgot. 3️⃣ Learn those areas. * Reread your notes, flashcards etc 4️⃣ Repeat until you can write down everything from memory! 5️⃣ If you have more time, try practice exam questions to REALLY set yourself up for success by learning to then apply your knowledge ✅ - #studyhacks #examtips #examready #exams #studytips #studytok #studentlife #studentproblems #students
Dr. Sarah Rav - Study Expert
The sneakiest exam hack of all time! ✅🧠👩🏼‍🎓💯 - The Hack: SPACED REPETITION 📆 This is a highly effective revision technique where you review content at regular, increasing intervals. For example: Say you learn something in class that day. You would then review the content… —> when you get home from school —> again that weekend —> the weekend after —> in a fortnight —> in a month —> in 3 months. To take it one step further and make it even MORE effective, you should try to review using Active Recall, especially Practice Questions (eg from the textbook, past year papers). This will help you start perfecting your exam technique EARLY, help you commit the information to long-term memory, and understand the content on a deeper level. So that when it comes to exam season, you won’t even NEED to revise because you’ll know everything!! ✅🏆💯 - #examseason #examhacks #examtips #examready #studytok #studyhacks #studytips
Dr. Sarah Rav - Study Expert
Use these & watch your grades go ⬆️📈 - THE HACKS: 1️⃣ Feynman Technique 👩🏼‍🏫 - learn the content, then teach it to someone who is unfamiliar with the topic (e.g. a child). Even better if you create a presentation & use analogies/diagrams/examples. This is by far the best and FASTEST way to learn content on a deeper level . 2️⃣ Pomodoro Method ⏳ - Study for 25min, then rest for 5 mins. Repeat x4 then take a longer 10-20min break. This is an insanely effective way to stay focused & efficient . 3️⃣ Spaced Repetition 📆 - review content at regular, increasing intervals. For example: —> when you get home from school —> again that weekend —> the weekend after —> in a fortnight —> in a month —> in 3 months. This will help you REMEMBER the content much easier & for longer, overcoming the curve of forgetting - #studytok #studytips #studyhacks #straightastudent #students #studentlife
Dr. Sarah Rav - Study Expert
Now there’s nothing stopping you from getting top grades! ✅🧠👩🏼‍🎓💯 - #studytips #studyhelp #studytechniques #studytok #studentlife #students #studysmarter #goodgrades #examtips #examtime
Dr. Sarah Rav - Study Expert
If it works for you, that’s GREAT 🤝🏽💯 . I personally would just choose something a little more effective so that you can learn/memorise more in less time! ⬇️⬇️ - WHAT COULD YOU DO TO MAKE YOUR STUDY MORE EFFECTIVE? 🤷🏼‍♀️ If you want to take notes, try summarising in your own words, drawing diagrams or mindmaps, or consolidating info from multiple sources 📄 If you want to memorise info quickly, try Flashcards 🗂️ If you want to understand info, try the Feynman Technique 👩🏼‍🏫 If you want to develop exam technique, try Practice Questions 🖊️ - #studytips #studytok #studyhacks #studentlife #students #studentproblems
Dr. Sarah Rav - Study Expert
Ace all your exams with these last minute study hacks! ✅🧠📚🏆 - 1️⃣ Timed Practice - do practice exams under full exam conditions (eg without notes, complete silence, reading time if applicable and no breaks). This is one of the BEST study methods to prepare for exams in the shortest amount of time as you’ll learn proper exam technique and how to APPLY information rather than just rote learn ⏳ . 2️⃣ Blurting - write down everything you can remember about the topic from memory. Compare what you have just blurted to your notes, revise the information you missed, and repeat until you remember everything 📣 . 3️⃣ Traffic Light Method - print out a copy of your syllabus/learning guide and through each dot point & colour code them based on your understanding: 🔴 Red - what you have NO idea about 🟠 Orange - what you are OK with, but need more work on 🟢 Green - what you know WELL, and don’t need to revise further Focus on the Red topics first, then the Orange topics, until you can make them ALL green!! 🚦 - NOTE: It’s always better to start revising in advance so you don’t need to cram, but sometimes this can’t be helped, so please only use this as the exception, not the rule!! 🙏🏽 - #studyhack #studyhacks #examseason #examhacks #studytok #studentlife
Dr. Sarah Rav - Study Expert
I bet this happens to you too - here’s why!😴😴 - WHY YOU GET SLEEPY WHEN YOU STUDY & HOW TO FIX IT 💯✅ 1️⃣ You don’t have a consistent sleep schedule ⏰ - our bodies are designed to follow routine. We thrive when we go to sleep at a consistent time, and wake up at a consistent time. When this happens, our mind knows when to start winding down & shut off, in preparation for sleep, and when to be alert & focused during the day. If you sleep at irregular times, our mind cannot predict when it is about to sleep. As a result, any time the body starts to relax (eg, you sit down to study), our mind uses this as a cue to shut off, leading you to feeling tired. ✅ Solution? ✅ Introduce a regular bedtime during the weekdays, and try not to deviate too far from it on the weekends. . 2️⃣ You study in your room 🛌 - similarly to above, our brain relies heavily on cues. It associates your bedroom with sleeping. So when you are in your bedroom, it will start to initiate patterns that prepare for you sleep. ✅ Solution? ✅ Find a place that you can dedicate solely to studying (eg. a study room or go to a local library) . 3️⃣ You’re using passive study techniques 🧠 - passive techniques do not require much brain power or concentration As a result, you’re more likely to get distracted, to drift off, and shut your mind off. Examples include simply reading over the textbook or listening to a lecture, without doing anything else. ✅ Solution? ✅ Use active techniques! The more engaging, the better. Examples include Feynman Technique, practice exams, and blurting - #studyhacks #studytok #studytips #studentproblems #studentlife #students
Dr. Sarah Rav - Study Expert
It will literally transform you into a genius 🧠 - THE FEYNMAN TECHNIQUE: 1️⃣ Learn the content (eg. read through your textbook, write notes, watch YT videos) 2️⃣ Teach the subject to someone who is unfamiliar with the topic (e.g. a child, a friend, a family member, stuffed toys if desperate). Talk as MUCH as you want - the more the better!! Doing so will force you to simplify the content, use analogies and examples to better explain, and truly highly the areas YOU yourself don’t fully understand. It will also encourage you to commit the information to memory, as when you teach, you are saying things out loud, using body language, and fully engaging to convey your message. Extra points if you make a Presentation to go with it 💻 3️⃣ Revisit the areas that you got stuck on, and develop your understanding/better ways of explaining them. 🤔 4️⃣ Retry until perfect!! 🏆 Why does it work: This study technique will challenge you and force you to understand the content on the deepest level possible in a short amount of time. It’s perfect for those who tend to take longer to learn a concept, often because students like this need to REALLY understand all the “why’s” behind the concept. So by practising teaching the concept, you’ll get straight to where you need to be ✅✅ - #studyhacks #studytips #studytok #straightastudent #goodgrades #studentlife
Dr. Sarah Rav - Study Expert
Replying to @darinee 🧎‍♀️ - Works EVERY time! ✅🏆📚🧠 - The Method: 1️⃣ Write up an A4 cheat sheet (from memory, then refer to notes and add what you missed) 📝 2️⃣ Do practice questions - start with textbook questions, then worded problem solving questions, and finally extended response exam questions 🧐 3️⃣ Learn from every question - check the answers, and if you got the question wrong, work out why. Ask your teacher, a parent/sibling, check the worked solutions, use AI or watch YT videos. Retry the question in a week or so to check you remember how to do it correctly 👏🏽✅ - #studytips #studyhacks #physicstok #physicsclass #physicstudent
Dr. Sarah Rav - Study Expert
These are the sneakiest shortcuts for Straight As ⬇️✅💯👩🏼‍🎓 - 1️⃣ Use Active Study Techniques - these are study methods that force you to engage with the content, doing some sort of physical or mental process. 🤓 It leads to greater retention of info, understanding, and ability to apply theory! It also means that you can learn SO MUCH MORE in MUCH LESS time. ✅ . Examples include: 🧠 Active Recall (e.g. Flashcards, Blurting, Application Questions) 🧠 Mind-Maps & Drawing Diagrams 🧠 Teaching The Material to Others 🧠 Loci Method 🧠 Practice Exams . 2️⃣ Get Rid of Distractions - make sure you’re thinking only about the work in front of you to maximise focus and retention. . My favourite ways to do this are: 💯 Study Timelapse 💯 Lofi-Beats & noise cancelling headphones 💯 Quiet, low-stimulus environment (e.g. library, dedicated study room) 💯 Chew gum (it actually works!) 💯 App Blockers/Downtime settings on your phone . 3️⃣ Follow Me for more study tips & tricks - I post FREE videos daily to help with: 📲 Getting Straight As 📲 Making studying fun 📲 Staying focused 📲 Avoiding burnout 📲 Managing your time 📲 Improving all aspects of your life 📲 Stopping procrastination . If you follow, you’ll get more of my videos on your FYP, so you can learn more!!! 🩷🩷 - #studyhacks #studytips #students #studentlife #studytok #examtips #examready
Dr. Sarah Rav - Study Expert
Hard work > talent 👏🏽 Don’t forget it, and don’t disregard the enormous effort & discipline that lies behind every single success story. ✅💯 - #studytok #studyhacks #studytips #studymotivation #studywithme #studyspo #studentlife #students
Dr. Sarah Rav - Study Expert
People will be calling you a GENIUS after you do this 💯✅🧠👩🏼‍🎓 - The hack: ACTIVE RECALL 👏🏽📚 This encompasses a range of study techniques that require you to retrieve information from memory, when prompted, without reading/looking at your notes. In doing so, you train your brain to memorise the information in anticipation for the next time it is asked to recall, resulting in much more EFFECTIVE learning & retention 👏🏽 Examples include: 1️⃣ Flashcards - answer the question on the front of the flashcard, either by saying it out loud or writing it down, then flip it over to check if you got it right. Do it at least 3 times in a row during each session. If you get it wrong, reset back to 0. 🗂️ . 2️⃣ Blurting - write down everything you can remember about the topic on a blank sheet of paper, then compare to your notes. Add the areas you missed. Repeat until you remember everything 🖊️ . 3️⃣ Practice Questions - from the textbook, past exams or even from the internet. Answer the question as best as you can, without notes, before checking the answers. If you got the question wrong, learn why you did, and then save the question to retest yourself a couple days later and see if you remember. 📕 - #studyhacks #studytok #studytips #studentlife #students #topstudent
Dr. Sarah Rav - Study Expert
Get your dream job RIGHT AWAY with these easy changes ✅👩🏼‍💼💻🏆 - HOW TO BOOST YOUR CV: 1️⃣ BE DESCRIPTIVE 🎨 - don’t just list your previous job titles, write a short & sharp summary of the responsibilities and skills developed for each position. Where possible, add quantitative evidence (e.g. instead of “I boosted sales for my client” say “I boosted sales by 300% in 2 months for my client”) . 2️⃣ LAYOUT & STRUCTURE ☑️ - a clear, neat, consistent layout makes your CV easier to read and will make you seem more organised. Also make sure to place the most important information upfront, and use headings/subheadings to make it easier to find information at first glance. . 3️⃣ OBJECTIVE STATEMENT ✍🏼- at the start of your CV, write a short paragraph outlining your future career goals. The more passion & personality you can put into it, the better. - #careeradvice #careergoals #careertok #careerdevelopment #selfdevelopment #successhacks #corporatelife #corporatetiktok #jobsearch
Dr. Sarah Rav - Study Expert
These are ESSENTIAL to succeed in the workplace 💻💯📈👩🏼‍💼 - 1️⃣ Be willing to give everything a go 🙋🏼‍♀️- if you haven’t done it before or unsure, don’t be scared to ask for help! Tell your supervisor that you’ll give it your best shot, but may need to be supervised or taught. A “can-do” attitude and an eagerness to learn is one of the best qualities to have. I constantly remind myself that I grow the most when I’m pushed out of my comfort zone, so the feeling of discomfort is actually something that I need to embrace. NOTE: this only refers to things that are inside the scope of your role & will help you develop. Be more cautious about saying yes to “busy work” just because your supervisor doesn’t want to do it. . 2️⃣ Close the Loop 🔁- at the end of every meeting or conversation, report back what you understood as actions you need to do & by when. Then, as you complete those actions, report back to inform the person they are done & any other information that might be useful (eg if doing research, what the main findings were. If reaching out to someone, what their response was). Similarly, if you need help with something/are stuck, or there is something blocking your progress, let them know too (eg “the contact is away on leave and will be back Monday, which is when I will follow up again”). Don’t wait for them to have to chase you to figure out that the task has been done or has been held up. Closing the loop helps build trust. It lets your supervisor know that you are reliable and they can delegate important task to you, . 3️⃣ Network 🌎 - I’m sure you’ve heard it before but Networking is a must. Connecting with other people at your workplace will help present new opportunities for you & secure your spot in the workplace. The thing is though, these must be genuine connections. Don’t force it, don’t do it just to be transactional. Find people that you click with and that you genuinely care about. In much the same way that you love seeing your friends succeed, this is exactly the type of people you want to surround yourself with at work. They’ll think of you if new positions or work comes up, not because they’re trying to be transaction but bc they genuinely care about your progress! To do this, make an effort to engage in small talk (when you’re not too under the pump), attend work events and organise coffee catch ups with people you like! - NOTE: this advice is & these views are my own. They do not reflect any organisation I work/am affiliated with. #careeradvice #careersuccess #careergoals #careertok #corporatelife #worktips #workinglife #corporate #worksmarternotharder #worklifebalance
Dr. Sarah Rav - Study Expert
The only worry you’ll have is what to do with all your A+ report cards 😉✅💯🆙📚 - #studyhacks #studytips #studywithme #studymotivation #studentlife #students #studytok
Dr. Sarah Rav - Study Expert
@Taylor Swift, I had the time of my life fighting dragons with you 💛💜🩵🩷🖤🤍💙 Thank you for making me feel less alone during some of my darkest times & being there to celebrate the highlights. I love you to the moon & to saturn, forever & always 🥰 - #taylorswift #taylornation #erastour #erastourmelbourne #swifttok #swiftie
Dr. Sarah Rav - Study Expert
This approach will GUARANTEE Straight As in Chemistry ✅💯🧠👩🏼‍🎓 - 1️⃣ Learn: Mind-Mapping 📝 Start with a blank sheet of paper for each topic. Create a mind-map of all the information from your notes, textbook and any other resources. Link key ideas, expand on concepts you need/want to know more about. This is a great way to learn theory for Chemistry, as often many concepts are interlinked, and better represented through mind-maps than linear notes. . 2️⃣ Understand: Feynman Technique 👩🏼‍🏫 Once you’ve learnt the content, try to teach it to someone who is unfamiliar with the topic (e.g. a child, a friend, a family member, stuffed toys if desperate). Doing this will force you to simplify the content, use analogies and examples to better explain, and truly highly the areas YOU yourself don’t fully understand. It will also help you commit the information to memory, as when you teach, you are saying things out loud, using body language, and fully engaging to convey your message. If you get stuck on a certain concept, revisit the areas by consulting your notes or other resource, and then try again! . 3️⃣ Apply: Practice Questions 🧠 Do practice questions (textbook, past year exams, online resources) to learn how to understand APPLY content rather than simply rote learn it. Chemistry is highly skills-based. You’ll be more likely examined on what you can do (eg balance a chemical equation, calculate the mole of product, draw a chemical structure) rather than what you have rote learned. So the more practice questions you do, the better developed your knowledge and skills will be! - #studytok #studytips #studyhacks #studentlife #students #studentproblems #chemistry #chemistrytest
Dr. Sarah Rav - Study Expert
Getting Straight As is way easier than you think ⬇️✅💯👩🏽‍🎓 - HOW TO STUDY EFFECTIVELY 🏆: 1️⃣ Use Active Study Methods - these are study methods that force you to engage with the content, doing some sort of physical or mental process. 🤓 It leads to greater retention of info, understanding, and ability to apply theory! It also means that you can learn SO MUCH MORE in MUCH LESS time. ✅ . Examples include: 🧠 Active Recall (e.g. Flashcards, Blurting, Application Questions) 🧠 Mind-Maps & Drawing Diagrams 🧠 Teaching The Material to Others 🧠 Loci Method 🧠 Practice Exams . 2️⃣ Eliminate Distractions & Stay Focused - make sure you’re thinking only about the work in front of you to maximise retention. My favourite ways to do this are: 💯 Study Timelapse 💯 Lofi-Beats & noise cancelling headphones 💯 Quiet, low-stimulus environment (e.g. library, dedicated study room) 💯 Chew gum (it actually works!) 💯 App Blockers/Downtime settings on your phone . 3️⃣ Plan Your Sessions - by planning your study sessions out before you start, you will be able to prioritise what needs to be done, stay on track, and even get additional benefits without more time studying! . To make sure your study session is the best it can be: ⏰ Use time-blocking (allocate a set amount of time for each activity, to create a sense of urgency. Otherwise it will expand to fill the whole time) ⏰ Start with a quick-win (easy subject or small homework task)to get the dopamine flowing; then move onto your most challenging topic whilst energy levels & focus is still high ⏰ Interleave your subjects by studying smaller blocks of multiple subjects rather than 1 big block of one subject (e.g. 1 hour each of Math, Science, English rather than 3 hours of Math). This will help you remember MORE and perform better on exams, as proven by research 👏🏽 - #studyhacks #studytips #studytok #studysmart #studentlife #studentproblems #student #highachiever
Dr. Sarah Rav - Study Expert
This video will literally solve ALL your problems at school ✅💯🧠👩🏼‍🎓 - PS: there are in-depth videos explaining each of these techniques on my page 📲 Click (+) if you’d like them to pop up more often on your fyp, so you can learn more!! #studytok #studytips #studyhacks #studentlife #studentproblems #studymotivation
Dr. Sarah Rav - Study Expert
The best kept secret study hack of all time!! ✅💯🧠👩🏼‍🎓 - #studyhacks #studytok #studytips #studysmarter #studytechniques #studyhelp #student #studentlife
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