Past few days I’ve been seeing a lot of fake post in which photo and vedio of my design is being saved and misuse also mentioning the price in it . I would like to say that it’s not me who have mention price on vedio and I never do. To ask any question about the dress you like please do call me or message me on tiktok, Insta, Facebook or WhatsApp. If you see any post mentioning price in it, remember that’s not me. And I would request the person to not to misuse my stuff for your sake . Do your thing and let other work on their own. This affects not just my business but also all the women who are trying hard to work on their own . Atleast respect that . And I won’t be responsible for any of the fraud money that you’ve sent for the order thinking it’s me. My bank account is under name Radhika thamsuhang And any order that is not placed under my page women world botique, or through my what’sapp number or any other account related to me won’t be relevant . And I would say that’s not me . Thank you ! Be alert from fraud and do use the information and page I provided to make an order