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During my 6 years in Thailand, I have met a lot of new friends whom I have good memories with. Moreover, I traveled all over Thailand through Talkpawon25 where I got to meet a lot of people in each region, and I accumulated a lot of affection of Thailand. It pains me to say that people still think that I would denigrate Thailand, especially, on the TV show. Over and over again, people who haven't watched the broadcast choose to believe in rumors and false information. I'm so tired of seeing people around me leaving me and saying that “Why did I like this person?”. To be genuinely honest with you, after this incedent happened, I watched this broadcast several times, over and over again, trying to find which part of the show would have caused thai people on social to be so angry with me. But I just couldn’t find any. And if the problem was that I happenned to have traveled to Cambodia while living in Thailand, then I’m sorry. It saddens me to see that, instead of supports from the country that I love, what I get is hatred. I really hope this statement gives enough explanation and clearification to those who accussed me of something I didn’t do. So we can all put an end to this fasle information once and for all. It's a day when a lot of thoughts go by. Hong Dong-kyun
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