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Sofia Kochanova
Tell me your story❤️‍🩹 From "I love you" to "strangers," it's wild how things change? One moment, you're all wrapped up in each other, and the next, you're like two ships passing in the night. But that's life! Sometimes people drift apart, and before you know it, you're just strangers again, sharing nothing but a few memories. Even though it hurts, it's all part of the journey🫶🏼 ##healingprocess##healingtrauma##selfloveclub##selflovetips##breakups##breakupstages##findingjoy
Sofia Kochanova
I just really wanted to believe that he loves me💔😭 #Love #relatable #Relationship #toxic
Sofia Kochanova
It was all a lie💔 #relatable #Relationship #Love #heartbroken #breakup
Sofia Kochanova
Why break ups are so hard? Waking up without his text stung. Wrestling with guilt in my heart, trying to let go of someone I still love, but we can't move forward. He wants to be alone, figure things out. Just gotta remind myself time heals, no matter how rough it feels now. I don't get why he had to leave, after all the support I gave. Why do I have to be cut out for him to find his way? ##Relationship##Love##breakup##boyfriend##relateable
Sofia Kochanova
Why do breakups have to be so hard? Waking up without his text sting. Wrestling with guilt in heart, trying to let go of someone you still love, but you can't move forward. He says he wants to be alone, he doesn't want to be with you anymore, he wants to figure things out. Just gotta remind yourself time heals, no matter how rough it feels now. No matter how hard you try you'll never understand why he had to leave. Even though you gave him all the support and love. Just remember youre world is still going❤️‍🩹
Sofia Kochanova
How TO HELP yourself?❤️‍🩹 I have one method called “reality check” that will help you if you are still stuck in a breakup: *Reality Check: ————————- Are you still feeling stuck in your breakup? i would encourage you to further define what “STUCK” means. 1. Do you still think about your ex? Btw, that’s completely normal. 2. Are you still crying on a daily basis? that might mean you need to take your healing to a deeper level. 3. Do you feel stuck because you feel lonely? then i’d encourage you to spend more time with other people. 4. You feel stuck because you’re angry? then i’d encourage you to do some work to let go of resentment. 5. Do you feel stuck because you’re feeling like you’re never going to find someone? then i’d encourage you to focus on increasing your self-esteem. And most importantly: ‼️There isn’t a solution to just being stuck, BUT…. TO READ THE REST CHECK MY ln$tа! #healingprocess #healingtrauma #selfloveclub #breakups #selflove #selflovetips #relationshipadvice #healingtok #relationshipadvice
Sofia Kochanova
You are so strong, you can do it! Just dobt forget to show up for yourself every day! you deserve to be happy❤️‍🩹 ##selfloveclub##healingprocess##mentalhealthtiktoks##selflovery##mentalhealing##relatabletextpost
Sofia Kochanova
Before you-During you - -After you! #healingprocess #healingtrauma #selfloveclub #selflovetips #breakupadvice #closure #findingjoy #breakupstages
Sofia Kochanova
Love will never hurt, and if it does, then it’s not love!❤️‍🩹 When love hurts, It means you’re trapped in a toxic relationship. I know it’s easy to advise someone to leave a toxic relationship if you’ve never experienced one yourself. I went through one, so I am well aware of what it is! It’s hard, painful and scary. Though, I don’t regret it; on the other hand, I am thankful for the experience! It’s taught me so many great lessons. The main one is that I should never let anyone mistreat me, because there is no one more important than me! I learned that I’m not a problem, and there is absolutely nothing to blame me for. Also, I learned that if I have this much love to give, there’s definitely someone out there willing to reciprocate it and give me love that I deserve. Why did I stay in a toxic relationship for so long? I guess, I held onto the hope that one day he would love me back, the way I loved him. But unfortunately, that day never came. He’ll never know what I had to go through because of him. He’ll never understand the nights spent waiting for his response, praying for his love. I was able to leave, and I will never repeat my mistakes. I am still learning what love truly means, but I’ve definitely learned what it’s not. Love doesn’t hurt or make you feel unworthy. It doesn’t make you question your sanity or beg for attention. It’s not about working for it or enduring the silent treatment. There comes a moment when you realize this isn’t love and you have to walk away. It may hurt initially, but it saves you from greater pain. You owe it to yourself. You deserve a love that’s kind, patient, caring, loyal, and gentle. You deserve to be happy! You deserve to live your best life! You deserve it all! #selflovecoach #healingtrauma #healingyourself #youarenotalone❤️ #heartbrokenclub #breakupmotivation #toxicrelationshipsurvivor
Sofia Kochanova
I just really wanted to believe that he loves me💔😭 #relatable #relationships #heartbroken #breakup #toxicrelationship
Sofia Kochanova
👇🏼I want to share MY PERSONAL NOTE that I wrote to my self right after the breakup❤️‍🩹 I can’t believe this is happening. It feels like my whole world is crashing down around me. He was everything to me, my favorite person in the entire world. And now, now he’s lost interest. How did I not see it coming? How did I not realize that the spark was fading? It’s like someone ripped out a piece of my heart and left this gaping hole inside me.l keep replaying all our memories in my head, trying to figure out where it all went wrong. Was it something I said? Something I did? Or was it just inevitable, destined to end like this from the beginning? The pain is suffocating, consuming me from the inside out.I thought he was the one, the one I would spend the rest of my life with. But now, now I’m left here alone, trying to pick up the pieces of my shattered heart. How do I move on from this? How do I learn to live without him?But I have to try. I have to find a way to heal, to mend my broken soul. It won’t be easy, and the road ahead seems daunting, but I know I’m stronger than I realize. I have to remind myself that this pain won’t last forever, that one day, I’ll look back on this moment and see it as a distant memory. I’ll take it one day at a time, allowing myself to feel the pain but also finding moments of joy in the little things. I’ll surround myself with friends and family who love me unconditionally, who will support me through this dark time. And most importantly, I’ll focus on loving myself, on rediscovering who I am outside of this relationship.It won’t be easy, but l’ll get through this. I’ll emerge from the darkness stronger and more resilient than ever before. And one day, !’ll find someone who sees my worth, who cherishes me as much as I cherish them. But for now, I’ll take it slow, trusting that time will heal this broken heart of mine. #healingtrauma #breakups #breakuphealing #selflovetips #breakupclosure #closure #findingjoy #breakupadvice #heartbreaking
Sofia Kochanova
How is your healing process going? ❤️‍🩹 I never thought that I would be able to be fine again. Breaking up with the person you thought was made for you, your best friend, your everything, is hard. Recovering from it is even harder. But I had a goal; I was desperate to find happiness again. I always believed that I deserve to be happy. I decided to pull myself together and trust the process. Finding yourself isn’t just about figuring out who you are, but also about becoming who you want to be. And you can become whoever you want❤️‍🩹 #healingprocess #healingtrauma #selfloveclub #endofrelationship #selfloveclub #endofrelationship #relationshipadvice #selflovetips
Sofia Kochanova
Reminder: Gaining weight is a normal part of life’s fluctuations. Also, you have to remember, that your body changes with age, and it’s only natural to gain some weight as you mature from a teenager into a woman! Every body is unique and beautiful. You worth isn’t tied to a number on a scale. Nourish your body, listen to its needs, and never resort to self-torture or deprivation. If you are hungry, eat. Never stop yourself from eating. Embrace self-love. You are so unique and beautiful♥️ #selflovetips #selflovecoach #selflovery #mentalhealing #mentalhealthcare #bestfriendforever #relatabletextpost #girlhood
Sofia Kochanova
My Day 4 healing after the breakup❤️‍🩹 I woke up to a phone call. No, it wasn’t my toxic ex; surprisingly, it was a flower delivery guy. I went to my door and found a bouquet from my ex with a note. “Babe, I love you so much. You are the most important person in my life. I am sorry for everything I have done. I promise that I will never do it again. This time I am serious, and I will prove it to you! Please give me another chance. I love you!” Aww. Maybe he does truly love me? Maybe he is actually serious this time, willing to change for me, for us? I will forgive him, but this will be the last time. Well, that’s how I would’ve reacted in the past. But every time I would forgive him, he would hurt me more and more. So did he really love me? Did he truly care about me? Because if he did, why did he let me suffer? Why did he keep hurting me until there was no life left in me? Girl, because it was never love. Love will never make you suffer. I will never go back to him, and I will never allow anyone to treat me the way he did. I will always choose myself and my own happiness. If you’re struggling with a breakup or mental health, follow me, and let’s go on a journey of recovery together to find happiness, self-love, and joy in moving forward from this chapter of our lives! #healingtrauma #toxicrelationshiprecovery #selflovecoach #breakupmotivation #afterbreakup #mentalhealing #mentalhealthjourney
Sofia Kochanova
He made me so much stronger💪🏼🥹 Though, I know how it feels when someone you love judges you solely on your appearance and walks away. But here’s the plot twist: their departure might just be the best thing that ever happened to you. I’ll admit, I was crushed when my ex decided my worth was tied to my waistline. For too long, I let his words echo in my mind, believing I was destined to fail. But one day, I woke up and realized I had the power to rewrite my story. Without his negativity holding me back, without him in my life, I took charge of my life like never before. I shed not only the weight but also the doubt and fear he planted in my mind. And guess what? I soared higher than ever imagined. So here’s to anyone who’s ever been told they’re not enough: You are worthy. You are capable. And you are destined for greatness. #relatable #Relationship #dating #Love #weightloss #toxic #toxicrelationship
Sofia Kochanova
To those struggling with heartbreak and despair, remember that healing is a journey, not a destination!❤️🥹 Trust me, despite the pain, with each passing day, you’re gradually piecing yourself back together. Allow yourself time to grieve, but also to grow. Embrace self-care, trust yourself, believe in yourself. You might not know it yet, but you are still incredibly strong! And one day, when you least expect it, you’ll find happiness blooming within you once again, a testament to your strength and resilience. I believe in you❤️ #relatable #Love #positivity #heartbroken #Relationship
Sofia Kochanova
My Day 2 of healing after the breakup❤️‍🩹 I woke up to his message saying that I made a mistake and that I will never find someone who will love me like he did—his typical toxic behavior. I really wanted to respond, to call him, so I could hear his voice again. But I decided that the best thing to do is just ignore the message and block his number so he cannot reach me. My good friend invited me to a movie screening today. I really don’t want to go. I will be honest; I think I am feeling even worse than yesterday. I literally can’t stop crying, plus I have really bad anxiety; Had to redo my makeup a couple of times.I have zero energy. I just want to lay in bed all day and not move. But, I am doing this; Driving there, I almost had two breakdowns. I even had to pull over, to calm myself down. We are here. I met with my friend, grabbed some snacks, and honestly, it did make me feel better. I’m glad that I pushed myself to go and socialize today, and thanks to my friends for their support and love. I will go watch the movie. But if you're struggling with a breakup or mental health, follow me, and let’s go on a journey of recovery together to find happiness, self-love, and joy in moving forward from this chapter of our life. #relatable #relationships #heartbroken #sleflove #breakup #toxicrelationship #toxic #healing
Sofia Kochanova
Have you ever applied this rule and did it work for you? #healingprocess #healingtrauma #selfloveclub #selflovetips #breakupadvice #closure #findingjoy #noconact
Sofia Kochanova
After the breakup, I found myself at the lowest point in my life. I didn’t want anything at all. My career seemed to be going downhill, I felt depressed, and had no motivation for doing anything other than lying in bed all day, thinking how unlucky and miserable I was. This was all happening until I discovered that we get what we choose. Instead of blaming everyone and everything, hating myself and my life, I simply accepted it. I realized that the reason I ended up at that point in my life is because I, myself, made certain decisions and took certain steps that led me here. I made a decision to change my life. The first thing I realized is that I have to stop fighting against this world because, as my experience showed, I was losing every time. Second, instead of constantly fighting, I simply started living. Something in me knew, if I was the one who brought myself here, I could take myself anywhere I wanted to in life. I sat down and wrote/drew down the life I wanted to have, then grabbed my own hand and started walking myself toward my dream life. Months later, I finally found it, and I can confidently say I was never happier than I am now! #healingjourneys #selflovetips #selflovery #healingtrauma #findyourpath #dreamlife
Sofia Kochanova
Healing takes time🫶🏼 In my case I learned that breaking up with someone can feel like the end of the world, leaving you shattered and lost. Depression. But as time passes, wounds heal, and scars fade, you begin to realize that the pain doesn't define you. Each day becomes a step towards healing, towards rediscovering yourself and your worth. Self-love. Eventually, you emerge stronger, wiser, and more resilient than before. The journey through heartbreak may be tough, but time is a gentle healer, slowly stitching the pieces back together, reminding you that even after the worst heartbreak, you can rise again. #healingprocess #healingtrauma #selfloveclub #selflovetips #breakups #breakupstages #breakupglowup #findingjoy
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